Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ilikeyourcock Hospital

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It really does not matter in the details of this Bird Bug which this blog published previously on being a fraud, because you should be able to discern that this fake bug, is designed to destroy the protein supply. Protein is what cults denied humans, because without protein brain reasoning retards. This is going after egg protein and beef cattle protein. The globalists behind this really want in a land grab to exterminate American beef herds with these unreliable "tests".

The humans who died from bird bug, were like 500 pounds and sick already and would have died. I can attest that some lab released a cat bug the past year which is a cat flu that makes young cats go lethargic and they die. The people version which is going to be blamed on bird bug is a release of a throat and sinus cold, sore like a burn. We had it, was not fun, but it kills no one. This is probably the variant that is going to be called Bird Flu, stampede more of these lemmings into more vaxes and this will be what is part of the 2025 population reduction from food shortages, nuclear things and bioweapon vaxes.

Just do what you did before in preparing, washing outside things and wear gloves......all of us do not have protectors who will infect us with an immune version in our food to get things done early as TL an I have in our pen of the Brier by the keepers.

Of course, there will always be the shock value of another fake Plandemic being used to compel and/or coerce people everywhere to get the upcoming bird flu ‘vaccine’, which many will ill-advisedly do.

WHO and mainstream media’s bird flu warnings are part of a
psyop fear campaign to gain control and push vaccines

These bird flu vaccines have been on the shelf for years ready to be administered on a mass scale and are certainly of the extremely dangerous mRNA variety, so beware.

Let’s not forget that a burgeoning but bogus Bird Flu Plandemic would also facilitate another election theft by Team Biden.  Worked like a charm in 2020, and Trump fell for it that time so why not again. See: IS BIRD FLU ON THE WAY IN TIME FOR ELECTION SEASON?


The NWO globalist cabal is on a very serious mission.

What a perfect way to quickly blow up BIRD FLU
into a global cross-species pandemic.

By using the CIA’s Mockingbird Media to scream about the coming ravages of bird flu, they will trigger all the same folks who fell for the coronavirus scam.  In so doing, the stage will be set for the depop perpetrators to continue to burn down food factories nationwide, especially poultry processing plants. See: Another U.S. poultry farm goes UP IN FLAMES as sabotage ops target yet more food supply chain hubs

Mockingbird media. Some tourist is reading the blog.

In Germany they are seizing children. That will happen in Canada, and there is going to be shit in America again. Nukes get lit up and you watch the police state go Ashli Babbitt lethal. The same trolls who were Fauci masking will be back and they will push this past the last point of mandates to seizing food supply, cattle herds, assholes reporting on other Americans and more forced vaxing.

Just one more thing to get through, and do not think that Donald Dump is your protector nor vice el presidente, as the same round up you may cheer in invaders will mobilize against you as do not forget it was Vax Don who ran this injection.

You are just going to have to learn to hide things, hide your children, hide your pets  and hide your livestock, until the next phase comes.

You can always choose to do what you want, but staying away from  the authorities is a top priority whether in the dictates of a hospital death zone or signing up where your soul is on the line.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
