As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In this Donald Dump WWE theater, let us just speculate for a little fun as Donald Trump is a convicted felon in New York as that is what the law states.
Forget appeals, let us just look at this in sentencing in 4 days before the RNC in Wisconsin.
Let us just remind ourselves that New York is not Federal Court.....this is a state matter and New York's jurisdiction ends at their borders. Mr. Trump does not appear for sentencing, he is free and he stays in Florida where he is protected by Governor Jews First Desantis.
So Mr. Trump travels to democrat Governor Wisconsin for the RNC and there is arrested by Wisconsin State Troopers. We have a real interesting ordeal taking place, because does Secret Service take him into custody as this is a state of New York matter, or do they protect Donald Dump........protect him in Wisconsin from the police state there?
Do you think if he is taken into custody that a ginned up Kyle Rittenhouse mob just might break Trump out of custody before extradition is performed?
Will they shoot the tires out of the transfer airplane so it can not take off. How long before Federal Marshals and FBI become involved? Just where in federal power and state's rights does this come down to?
Is this what the campaign then will look like, Mr. Trump jetting to states which will swear to not turn him over to New York, the way Governor Jerry Brown of California protected AIM terrorists, Dennis Banks and Russell Means from jail in South Dakota?
Is this then the stage for the fraud November elections? States loyal to Donald Trump with him on the ballot, and states loyal to Joe Biden with Trump off in a Lincoln shading of this election.
You should have enough sense to stay away from all of this as sooner than later there will be a rude awakening for those following down this rabbit hole.
I will remind you that if Donald Trump had did his job instead of abandoning MAGA. If he had did his job instead of abandoning the election fraud commission. If he had did his job on January 6th instead of abandoning people he invited to the Capitol, none of this would be taking place.
You should not have to have been reminded of these realities.
What is evident is the black robes on the Supreme Court in their frauds of the past, are now circling the wagons to have unanimous decisions in they know rulings are going to have to be made and no more sidestepping cases which is what caused January 6th as that is all people wanted was to be heard and have a legitimate examination of vote fraud, which even Vladimir Putin in his intelligence services confirmed the election was overthrown in vote fraud.
We are where we are and what is going to happen is going to happen best if normal Americans stay away from it all, as you are not going to matter if you are Ashli Babbitt or one of the thousands from Jan6 in prison, set up by this Qanaon DIA operation.
If you need to be told to not text, do not post on Social Media, do not chatter on your cell phone about your opinions, and do not sign up for anything. If you have to watch it, do not get sucked in, and do not inherit the whirlwind.
This is not 1776 and this is not any people you can trust. This is a police state and you should stay out of the way.
Nuff Said