As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Exhibit 1..................................
A Wise Man - Eric Clapton Says ‘Israel Is Running The World’
Exhibit 2..................
Israeli Efforts To End US Student Protests Fall Flat
Students Stand Strong - College Campus Protests Shake
US Establishment To The Core
Bully Boys - Fire Up The Ovens (Live vocal cover) - YouTube
Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2, do not compute as data does not correlate.
Eric Clapton therefore has reached a conclusion with incomplete data.
There must therefore be in this equation a missing mathematical factor which would explain this cause and effect from theory into law.
There must therefore be a greater force and not an equal and opposite force.
The Jew in the mirror does not appear larger than the sum of the physical presence.
Rammstein - Angst (Official Video) - YouTube
Nuff Said