Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Norman Ashkenaz Network

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Lame Cherry has a clarification in this BRICS world which is being birthed. Without Russia it will be stillborn. Without Vladimir Putin, BRICS will devolve to the retard child raised by animals.

It does not make any difference in how many nations are signing up for BRICS, because BRICS needs something more than  Russia. BRICS must have a Japan or a Germany to drive forward to the 22nd century threshold.

At the St. Petersburg Summit of BRICS and future members, three topics were brought forth by Vladimir Putin.

Topic 1 - Russia's evolution of economic, resource and military leadership.

Topic 2 - BRICS proprietary payment exchange void of the US Dollar.

Topic 3 - Expanding BRICS in the world majority population from 59 nations.

From this, thee only foundation which will prevail is a global military alliance of deterrence against the Norman Ashkenaz Network (Incorrectly named the Anglo Saxon Alliance)

The Lame Cherry will explain a key part of this so you will understand how thee American Republic became the District of Crooks.

President Theodore Roosevelt had experienced the gold and silver crashes in metal based currencies in the 19th century. He was a Netherlands product in his New York family of commerce. The Rothschilds had been attempting with New England Yankee finance to create a central bank. Andrew Jackson destroyed the Yankee bank which created a depression. The Rothschild venture was the Civil  War in a dead President.

America was a nation of raw resources, but it never had the vast monetary standing to take America to the necessary world empire level as England was. Theodore Roosevelt helped create a central bank called the Federal Reserve which poured fortunes into America, which expanded in industry and mining. The trade off was two world wars to infuse this European fortune into America in this global expansion.

In order to seize the prize in creating American debt, the Dollar was linked to oil and not gold. This ended the Republic under Richard Nixon and birthed what would become the Obama Birther aborticide of the West which we are experiencing now.

At this juncture as you focus on the Ashkejew predators, they are but the front and the scapegoats of what is coming, as this is beyond Anglo Saxon, in this is the old Sachs race of the Meisterkrieg, the sword barriers, who have been the guiding hand in all of this, to restore the old order into Europe as leadership. They are dooming their own Germans with their woke leaders so that the feueradler will rise from the ashes of the Roman Empire. The 5th Reich is arising and for a short time there will be peace.

The 4th Reich has been establishing all of this. They through their extensions created BRICS for what is to be the removal of the Norman Ashkejew Network, and a coming leverage of what is known as BRICS.

The Norman rule of the Saxons will be broken. The American eagle will be pinioned and a new bird of prey will be a fledgling. The Sachs who have maneuvered this from the ashes, desires their hereditary and birthright control over the lands of their exile in Germania and in the lands of their nativity in the Assyrian Empire which includes the gates of the Holy Land and Chaldea.

The Bible reveals that this last move is what brings about the greater conflict to the point of Armageddon with Christ's return.

To be frank, BRICS is a mass population of the Hamite dregs of humanity, led by the Japheth lines mingled with the Israelite Gothic which are the Russian of the second world. BRICS is in majority useless eaters and fuckers, as that is all they are capable of is the snake eating it's own tail. It would require first world states to bring this to the vision that Vladimir Putin is deluded by. They were handed the technology for their own doom, not to prevail as this is the Nimrod order who means to rise from the dead

An American Israelite vaccuum has been initiated and it will take place for this last interaction to take place in the Großer Kampf.

Most of you reading this will live to see this and die to see this. You are now less blind to the realities which should be more apparent even in the dim bulb brains you are bumping around in.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Seht die Flamme Nimrod, das wiedergeborene Feuer.

Nuff Said

