Wednesday, June 26, 2024

With Trump you get Egged and Rolled


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If what you want is Donald Dump in a DIA installed selection, then the following is a reality check of what is coming to all of us. I'm not into politics, but so you do not wear your heart on your sleeve and blame me again with stopping donating for telling you the Truth that Donald Trump dumped MAGA immediately, below you will find EXACTLY what Donald Trump is going to do at 1600 Penn........if you can believe him as he never follows through on things he promises to Americans. I do project that he will do these things he is talking about to billionaire cronies again as that is all this Corporate GOPliter is interested in.

This is your future 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, Trump or el presidente, this is what is coming and you better be prepared.

Meet you on the other side.

(0:00) bestie intros: big house talk!

(1:37) economy: regulation, taxes, tariffs, taming inflation, de-dollarization

(12:02) federal debt: growth, spend control, where to cut, role of energy, nuclear

(20:22) foreign policy: ukraine/russia

(25:05) foreign policy: israel/palestine

(28:13) abortion: stance on a national ban

(31:09) foreign policy: china

(32:33) covid: origins, fauci relationship, deep state, bad deals

(39:39) border: wall, immigration, h-1bs, recruiting global talent

(46:07) jfk files: full release, importance of transparency

(48:06) debate prediction

(50:15) post-interview debrief

The essence of Donald Trump is he dropped taxes on billionaires, and left Obama's super taxes on Americans. Donald Trump is going to not do a thing on your taxes, but billionaires are going to get more tax breaks.

Trump is going to put tariffs on imported goods. That will protect these billionaires in America, foreign and domestic, and have you robbed more. Originally Trump spoke of getting rid of the income tax for his tariff tax. That never surfaced again, so you are going to pay increases on Walmart things, your tires out of South Korea, etc..... and still be paying Obama rape taxes, so double your costs.

Oh, triple your costs as Donald Trump has an energy idea in making America energy independent. That sounds wonderful, but what happens is all that oil and gas ends up sold for high prices to foreigners in a war against Russia, and you get stuck with that bill.

Trump them moved onto AI in how much energy that consumes. He says he is going to back small nuclear power plants in your cities to generate power, and not the big ones. If Donald Trump was not a dinosaur and not a whore for the foreign owned uranium mines, he would be mining Thorium for clean power which was available since Richard Nixon This though is not about fixing problems, this is about Donald Trump handing out goodies to billionaire robber barons while you get robbed.

Donald Trump has no foreign policy. As a Goyjew, he will let Tel Aviv continue genocide for hegemony and war in the Mideast, he will in time give Russia it's lands while spending billions on the war machine as he lurches toward war with China. As Vladimir Putin stated, it does not matter who is in the White House.
Trump will allow a European Russian War where American arms merchants sell their wares.

Trump  talks about spending being cut. As he never cut anything, forget that. His policies will only increase inflation, there is no taming it. His cronies want cheap money which is what drives inflation and as America is entering Obama Super Depression part 3 now that the Biden Cash Cards are being stopped, there is nothing but rewarding his Nazi billonaire rapine as these invaders do not buy toilet paper or Cheerios or anything else American.

Donald Trump is going to legalize all these invaders by giving them diplomas, to replace White American techs. This will be a huge industry for the communist colleges and big tech to profit off of while tripling the load for White teach workers.

With millions of people dead and injured by Trump's Covid Vax, he is no longer claiming it. He is shifting to that germ merchant Fauci in blaming him.Trump owns this as his death vax, but it is now so toxic, he is shifting the blame. No help mentioned for the injured, like no tax breaks for you, no getting the FBI off your ass, no protection for you, no mention of stopping the draft for your kids. Just pointing out what Trump's priorities are and you are not them.

Trump still is playing cute on the JFK files. Anyone with sense does not need those files, as it is established that Tel Aviv as behind that murder, and that the Eisenhower Nazi state was all dirty in this coup. In addition, Trump like baby butcher factories in the baby butcher profit states and will not confirm that Joe Biden has geezer brain.

Hosts of nitwits voted for Joe Biden, because they hated Donald Trump, just like racists voted for Obama over that John McCain strawman. Voting for Donald Trump because you hate Joe Biden solves nothing either. There is no choice in this as none of these "candidates" says one thing about returning America to a Ronald Reagan liberty which benefited  all of us.

Just pop your bubble now and take off your rose coloured spectacles as Donald Trump is going be a huge disappointment to you, just like Joe Biden is a disappointment to AOC............until of course el presidente takes over.

Nuff Said
