Thursday, July 4, 2024

1% of Vax Injured are 1 million with Prion Brain Damage


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching my neighbor this past week with 80 acres of unplanted land, haul cattle when the sun was shining. It told TL, "You do your farm work in the sun and haul cattle when it is raining". It rained and the field is still sitting there and it is getting to late to plant anything.

On the bright note, the week before he got in 20 acres of what looks like oats, in mid June, when that should be planted in April.

I honestly think this guy is vax insane, as I watch his tracks on the road in his ATV tearing things up as he spins around at around 67 years old. He leaves grain drills in the field which become mud, then in the rain cuts a path in the ditch and gets the drill in the muddy field.

There is more in he cut hay when he knew it was going to rain. You need dry weather so the hay cures. Instead he cut more may when it rained. Then cut more hay when it was raining. The bright side I suppose is he baled up the wet hay and finally had to stop baling when he got the green hay which the machine would no longer bale.
Alfalfa when you put it into big round bales, gets hot from decomposing as in burn your hand hot, and it turns black like tobacco.
I really can not figure this vax brain out and only conclude he is nuts. So nuts I watched him dump green hay bales he baled into  a hay feeder for his bulls, which are in a mud pen suffering, when they could be out grazing on that green grass in the pasture.

This brings me to uber frauline.

I first met this gal when the mother died. She was a very pretty gal. She honestly reminds me of the Nazi above.

We have spoken to her a few times. One time she was giving a person hell for not putting shopping carts away. That was a few months ago, and I thought she was snooty as she seemed not to figure out who we were in a blank expression as she wandered around.

So we were standing in line at the Thrift and I was making idiot talk like I always do as I get bored standing around and just make a comedy routine to amuse myself. The gal started talking to us and afterwards, TL thought the same thing in this woman was just off. She reminded me of  someone with dementia going into a childlike phase.

She was fixated on this little Japanese doll and another figurine that she was going to put into her collection. She reminded me of Ronald Reagan when he was losing it, and picked up a little White House and held it out of  a fish tank that Nancy had to pry out of his hand.

This woman is functioning yet, but something is wrong as in Joe Biden wrong with her.  She is aging in getting gray hair and starting to put on more weight. She was meticulous before in her appearance, but now it is just slipping.

I have seen this before in a Tiger Pants, which I mockingly call this self worshipping bitch who used to work at the court house. It is as if something is gone in these people and that part is never coming back. They get angry experssions and then just look vacuous. They disappear and you never see them again, and then reappear. 

The goofy neighbor I hope dies as he is a real asshole. This gal though I worry about as I'm sure she is going into the geezer home as she is failing and I'm probably the only one who is noticing or gives a blessing, as people can see she is off and just move on.

This prion brain stuff is catching up. It is not like I see allot of weird people doing odd things now, but it is continuous in someone getting cancer back after being cleared, people aging, and a reality that if 1% of the vaxed are brain injured, out of 150 million Americans at 90% vax rate, that is over a million additional people who are going to need special care which is not going to be available. I cringe at these Goddamn invader who are going to be hired at geezer shops and letting people rape the women for a price.  A million extra senile people, who will need 5 to 10 years of expensive care, and they will not receive it. They will just lay there in their feces and piss, until skin infections begin and rot them to maggots and then go septic. That is not any way to go.

Maybe it is more humane in the nutty vax neighbor asshole that I prefer he runs himself over with a tractor as it would be faster.

Nuff Said

