Wednesday, July 31, 2024

a matter of economics


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who sit in luxury, they have no idea what it is like to have to fix things, that are shit, instead of hiring it done. Try losing things in the grass because you are fixing things outside.

The premium thing I have always wanted is a shop of my own so I could do woodworking, welding, smelting........lots of things like fixing things on a bench so I do not lose the bolts and nuts.

A small garage would cost around 30,000 dollars now. I don't have that on non donors.

JYG offered me a trailer again, but the guy looked like a disaster in the make who had it, so I backed away fast.

JYG had a bus he was going to chop things off, deliver and sell me, but I thought it over and I asked about a travel trailer he had mentioned before, and he said he would sell that to me. After the fact, he charged me 300 bucks.

As I told him, I could not buy a shed for 300 bucks, so with stress on me and the pick up, we got this trailer hauled home on a 90 degree dusty day and parked, with clutch smells as I think this is a 30 foot trailer. Has two bedrooms in it for camping.

As you can see, save the one bedroom that JYG demolished, all is in order. It is leaking on the roof in one area, but otherwise it is tight. The plan is to put work benches in the front bedroom and decide what to do with the rest later.

Look I butcher things, a kitchen might be handy as much as canning out in this shed on wheels. I intend to do most of the things in this shed instead of outside or in the house. For the price it was a good buy, and even after it gets crappy in 20 years, I will still have a heavy running gear for a trailer, at 300 bucks.

This is for those of you who have needs and can not afford things. These travel trailers litter the world as everyone thinks they are great, until they have to clean them, and then they find out they go someplace and there are 1000 assholes for neighbors making them miserable. So they sit, people don't want them, and most go cheap or get junked like this one.

I still have to find out if the air conditioning and furnace work, lights too. I may wire my bench shop with it's own outlet to make things easy access for me.

I think I may leave most of this trailer the way it is, as the storage drawers will work for power tools and things. I may tear the shitter out as it is in the way and I do not want someone else's shitter in my shop. Not going to destroy it, but all the same it is in the way for space I could use for something.

God already gave me an e book by Robert Heinlein, am pleased with that, as will be listening as I work on things. It is going to be wonderful to gather all my blessings into one place and that mean air compressors, as they can stay inside and a tube through the wall will have all these wonders available for me, as this is OUR SHOP.

Thank God before the end of the world, I finally have a shop to work in and put things in. No thanks to non donors, but this is what allot of people could access for their projects and it is cheaper than 30,000 dollar buildings that you have to pay taxes on. This thing just sits there tax free as it is junk.

Nuff Said
