Thursday, July 11, 2024

AI me a VP


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In my world, AI means Artificial Insemination, not Artificial Intelligence. Just stating that, I decide today when el presidente was campaigning with Donald Dump, that he did a great job. Others have postulated that Donald Dump needs to pick Tulsi Gabbard who is equally a political force.

So I decided to ask AI, not the semen in a straw,  but the computer generator in which one they liked in tanskins for VP.

Here are there photos.

Marco is the only persona I have ever saw AI make younger. Was interesting, but as you can see AI likes both for Dump's Vice President.

I think I said like el presidente as VP an Tulsi as Defense Sec. I really think that Trump should reach out and make Governor Cuomo his chief of staff with the caveat that he is gone if he pulls anything. Honestly I like and I mean it, I like Rahm Emanuel. He just fucked around in thinking this was all game when they destroyed all this nation was good. There is some real talent in David Axelrod who would be a great Ambassador to Russia.

Dump should appoint Rod Blagojevich to as Ambassador to Hungary.

We need people with principles who are not these paid for political prostitutes who answer to the global commerce.

I want Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court too.

Besides Trump's VP already having been picked for him, I doubt any of the above talent will ever be nominated. I just hope that Trump has the Frank Roosevelt sense to stick that black hole of sopping Nikki Haley in some keyhole job like the border, let her own it, as it is going to piss off everyone and everyone needs scapegoats. Trump had no sense in his first visitation in not having trolls to fall on swords to take the heat and leave the scandal behind 1600 Penn Avenue.

If this is as I think, the hand that rocks the cradle, they will never let Biden quit. They will run him if he goes horizontal tomorrow. This is all distraction to build the rejection. Biden is not as brain unaware as he appears. He has Hunter the perv as pseudo Chief of Staff watching the old man's back.

Just remember like all David John Oates reverse speech during the debate, Dictator Biden referred to Trump as his "friend". You don't suppose two dramatic artists actually like each other while working for the same board?

Yeah think about that.

Nuff Said

Tito & Tarantula - Angy cockroaches ( Cucarachas Enojadas )

Dec 23, 2020 ... Tito & Tarantula - Angy cockroaches ( Cucarachas Enojadas ) Сектор Газа | Красная Плесень | Панк Рок | Метал ...
