Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden Brushes Kamala Harris Off In Farewell Address


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The departation of Dictator Biden, was not cleared up in his national address. It was another painful reality of how degraded this man is, having already been evident in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, when he was stashed away in the basement for a year.

In listening to this speech, it was the old Biden, slurring words, making mistakes, not having brain function, but this was to be the big explanation as to why he agreed to the coup, and instead it was an epitaph to the Biden legacy. I had expected that Kamala Harris would have had a long portion of this speech, but Dictator Biden barely mentioned her in passing.

I will explain what this projects to on the other side.

Joe Biden is the same old geezer he was 5 years ago. Nothing has  changed. Yet he got out of the race. I you are interested what this projects like in behind the scene meetings, which mirrors Joe Biden's weird statement to Donald Trump, leaked by RFK III to the media, in, "How did you know to turn your head?", there is a connect the dots in this.

Joe Biden was not getting out of the race. Then someone shoots Donald Trump, and Joe Biden makes odd statements recovers from deadly COVID in 3 days (It takes weeks) and suddenly gets out of the race.

Here is what this looks like.

We all know that Joe Biden has not been running  this country or policy. It is the committee of fellow travelers. You may remember Rush Limbaugh stating about Obama Crimes, that "Obama never had to give orders, because The Obama Stooges knew what crimes were expected and engaged in them ." (That would  be the IRS going after the Tea Party for example.)

So we know Biden is good from 10 to around 2 each day. The rest runs on auto pilot zealots. Now understand the White House staff was blindsided by Biden quitting. This hit them out of the blue. Let the Lame Cherry construct a possibility for you to understand what took place inside Bidencon.

The Dictator was in trouble. His stooges knew he was in trouble. It has been voiced enough in public that they wanted Trump dead. We know from David John Oates speech reversals that the Secret Service Director was upset "they" missed Trump. She also sated she "planned the muck in the cellar"
 and that the CIA was aware of what she was doing.

Let us say that someone in the intelligence and security political minders got into see Joe Biden a few weeks ago, and said something like, "Mr. Dictator, you are in political trouble. The only way to ensure victory, is if your opponent were dealt with. We can do this and this operation will bring you that victory in November".
Biden being the low cognitive recognition he is, never got the entirely what was being said without being said, and he mumbled something affirmative and the IC left the office and put the operation into action.

We all know there were multiple shooters. We know that Crooks had 3 cell phones, two appear not to be his. One was in DC a great deal in Chinatown and  the other went silent on July 12. (This phone was probably the shocked handler of Crooks could be hearing screaming his name, and telling him to get off the roof in wondering what he was doing up there.)

We know there was internal involvement and numbers of people wanted the Dictator out of the race. So Joe Biden, gets out of church, and is mumbling things and gets his briefing...........and then another briefing before the Nevada political event, where he is  told, "Mr. Dictator, we have sign off from you, from a meeting of a few weeks ago, where you agreed to let the venue be open for an operation against your opponent.
We are not going to be able to contain this as other agencies are aware of this, are starting to release linking footage and information, and you will be linked, as the Director of Secret Service is "non compliant" in trying to shield you,  but that is not going to hold.

So Biden is pressured, keeps it to himself, surprises everyone in quitting, and figures that as Kamala Harris is as in trouble as he is, that if he goes whole hog for giving her the nomination, she will protect Joe Biden and continue the cover up.

Then Biden appers in this odd speech and literally makes Kamala Harris vanish, like he got word from Obama that someone else is going  to be the DNC nominee and Biden is not going to coronate Kalama Harris for a loss.

That is what all of this looks like in projections.

Nuff Said
