Monday, July 1, 2024



General Patton would have relegated these fat frumps to potato pealing
as they would just be in the way of real combat Soldiers.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the coming Tel Aviv holocaust of Lebanon is running into a Russian influenced order of battle in isolating Tel Aviv firepower from contact with Europe and the United States.

The Charlie level means intelligence is certain that terrorist attacks are in operation against all the US bases in European NATO.

The Islamic Army has come alive with the coming slaughter in Lebanon. In basic doctrine, this theater umbrella has 3 forms.

The first envelop is the operational theater over Lebanon.

The second envelop is Jews using the air bases in Cyprus to protect their fighters in refueling there and rearming for attacks on Lebanon. (Both Hezbollah and Iran have moved to rain missiles down on Cyprus to end that umbrella phase).

The third are the US bases in Europe, which is what these terror alerts are about. Islam is moving to deny not just US and European support to this mass slaughter, but those American B 52's with JDAMS which will strike Iran have to set down somewhere, and making all US facilities a combat zone will end that threat against Muslims in the Mideast.

As this blog has attempted to educate, the Mideast is the war Russia must fight and win to stop Ukraine. Moscow understands this, and in the above, one must comprehend that all of those expensive US F 35's meant for nuclear suicide runs are not much of a threat to Russia, nor these fat dumps in helicopters as in the woke photo above, when the Muslims are bringing war to US bases, and neutralizing air support to US operations against Russia for Ukraine.

Hezbollah is absolutely correct as is Iran, as Russia pointed this out, that it is critical to stop the Tel Aviv air cover protecting the Ashkejew paratroopers who are going to bring in ghastly weapons to turn Muslim into mush in their tunnels. The above proves conclusively that Hezbollah and Iran can and will so damage Jewish air bases, that their operations must fly out of Cyprus. That option is now removed.

That leaves one option for Tel Aviv and that is like Ukraine, Americans are going to be flying the jets. But wait, Russia just delivered an arsenal of hypersonic land to sea missiles to Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and their Houhti brethren, which will be utilized to sink US air craft carriers in the Mideast, thus ending US naval air projected support.
It is not going to happen in America running bombing runs against Hezbollah or Iran out of Muslim nations, as if the Muslims can draw blood in making American bases in Europe a war zone, far worse would happen for any regime in the Gulf.

This then extends the American unconditional support or Tel Aviv to the British base of Diego Garcia to fly heavy bombers on runs against Iran and Hezbollah. Extremely long travel time, and at this reality, this is where the Russian S 400 air defense missiles come into play, swatting down American B 52's. As America only has around 60 heavy bombers, the B 2 in Whiteman in Missouri USA comprising 19 of these craft, it is not like when Vietnam was swatting down B 52's in that war and there was an endless supply.

At this juncture, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are making the correct preparations. They are not going to allow the Pentagon war machine controlled by Tel Aviv to operate in a vacuum where they get to murder people in theater from bases outside the theater. 

As I watch this develop in the Lame Cherry exclusives, I'm reminded of Star Trek where Captain Kirk is in a duel with the Gorn. Spock is watching and sees Kirk doing things and says, "Yes , he sees, he understands". Kirk is making a cannon out of natural materials as he can not defeat this lizard in hand to hand combat.

I see the Muslims with Moscow and Pyonyang tutoring understand the battle and are in process to not be the next pile of dead bodies that Tel Aviv is organ harvesting from.

War is  an easy science in a complicated array of projecting power. What must be done is interdiction of the enemy at critical points. America in the fight against Germany blew up ball bearing factories as they were required in all mechanized warfare. In this, Hezbollah and Iran must end Tel Aviv air cover, to survive, carry the battle to the Jews and protect themselves from aerial attack.

We know from the above that Tel Aviv knows it can not prosecute this war from their territory over Lebanon, due to Russian missiles. That brings in Cyprus and the Muslims are moving to counter that option. The air cover keeps extending out to Europe, which is under strike alert by Muslims. The last phases are America carrying the Jewish water from Diego Garcia or carriers, and that option will bring in direct intervention by Russia to protect Iran.

They understand. If the God of Heaven fights for the Orthodox and their Muslim proxies against the pedo homo mafia, you will witness in the next weeks, the humiliating defeat of the United States with America being driven from the region and Tel Aviv screaming to the UN to save them after NATO refuses to save them.

There is ample evidence that the United States after this defeat will be invited to get the hell out of Europe in mass protests as Europeans really do not want to die, by their hordes of Muslims, over a Tel Aviv holocaust which American bases are protecting.

We have not witnessed anything like this since Vietnam, where American technology was blunted by primates with small weapons capacity.

If you see the American Navy running for it's life and B 52's knocked out of the sky, you will know the Jewish air force is hiding in Italy and the US walked into the Meisterkrieg trap.

Hosea 7:9 Foreigners consume his strength, but he does not notice ...

Their hair is gray, but they don't realize they're old and weak. ... Strangers devour his strength, and he knows it not; gray hairs are sprinkled upon him, and he ...
