Friday, July 19, 2024

Donald Trump is not the Beast or Anti Christ

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know if these explanations of Prophecy actually accomplish anything as there are so many halfwits out there saying things wrong, but after an appearance by Mitchell Henderson on Jeff Rense this past week, I just was moved to explain something out of necessity as Henderson named some listener who had contacted him, and the focus was the Book of Revelation in the death wound to the head, which of course was jumped to in "was this Donald Trump in the assassination attempt?"

THE ANSWER IS NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last thing any Protestant Christians needs are these incorrect analysis or speculation as there are so many unbalanced people out there now that they react with violence. Let me be perfectly clear ON THE FOLLOWING:





With those facts stated. I will meet you on the other side, as you can read the link, without going there as the ONLY purpose is for you to read the Bible verse about the head wound.I will point out that this HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ANTI CHRIST. It is specific as all Prophecy is in telling you the subject which is THE BEAST. Two different characters.

What does Revelation 13:3 mean? -

ESV One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

Alright to set this up as you have the verse above knowing that this is a figurative creature WITH NUMEROUS HEADS, one had had a mortal wound, was recovered from, and in the recovery the whole earth was in awe and followed this Beast.

Now the Holy Ghost Inspiration in explaining to you children and brats.

The Book of Revelation has four principal antagonists.

  1. The ANTI CHRIST: This is a person who leads a 10 nation union in Europe in a resurrected Roman Empire form.
  2. The BEAST: This is the 10 nation empire which is Rome as it was fragmented and reformed. The Beast or Rome has 7 heads, meaning 7 different manifestations of this government in Europe. The dead head is the most recent one in the German Italy axis. It will revive and people will marvel at it.
  3. The WHORE OF BABYLON: This is the Vatican Catholic Religion. The Vatican is like a tick riding around on an animal, sucking life and gaining power from the Empire or Nations as it manipulates them.
  4. The FALSE PROPHET: This is the Pope and the current Jorge in his apostasy is a match for this character. If something worse follows, then it was not Jorge.

As you can see, none of this has a thing to do with Donald Trump or Americans. Americans are of the Lost 10 group of Samaria.

These halfwits posting dimwit speculations, because they take Scripture out context or not Inspired by the Holy Ghost to SEE in the verse that the BEAST is the subject and not the ANTI CHRIST are false and are allowed by God to lead other halfwits to their doom.
Jesus is quite clear in His curse.  Anyone who adds to the Book of Revelation will have the plagues added to them and those who take away from the Book will have their Life taken from them.

Revelation 22:18 - Bible Gateway

I bear witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this ...

False teaching is a serious reality to God.

I do hope this assists people in understanding, but the reality is, if people just read the verses in context, meaning you don't take one verse out, ignore that the verse is explaining to you the subject, the Bible is designed by God to explain everything to you.

Jesus in Matthew 24 when asked by the disciples, provided the first time line of events. Before that, the Prophets were shown events and no one knew the order of events. That was the purpose of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ, in He expanded the one chapter into a number of chapters to explain details more fully, which the early Prophets had gone into exact details as in Daniel.

It is one thing to speculate on the Pater Pope Jorge in being the false prophet as every Pope is false. It is a completely different matter to have someone almost assassinated in Donald Trump, and then some ignorants trying to link him to a verse. Again the BEAST IS A GOVERNMENT NOT A PERSON. Donald Trump is NOT the government. He does not have 7 heads.

Worse things are coming in the Great Deception. This business with Trump is just more of the gore of Samaria as they had a practice of assassinating leaders. You will remember that this blog informed you that the Holy Ghost depicted Trump as a Jehu character, someone with a great deal of energy, who would not institute God's Law and would be part of this system of corruption. That is who Donald Trump is.

In conclusion, NO VIOLENCE of any kind. You look to Jesus, be at PEACE, behave yourselves, watch for Christ's coming in the future, build your peaceful lives for the Glory of God in caring for one another in your Protestant Christian family. You pay your taxes, observe the laws and stop making trouble for yourselves in joining groups filled with glow worms or posting idiot things on you wall or cell phones. If you have something to say, say it in prayer to God.

This subject should be now dealt with.

Nuff Said 
