Thursday, July 25, 2024

How many Shooters - How few Assassins


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something worst than the Zapruder film in the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania, because in watching "wide vision" so you are taking in the entire scene, in the fraction of a second before the 7 second mark, you see an amazing thing, in there is a white flash at the crane to the far right and you can watch from right to left a primordial reptilian brain flinch moving through this crowd as they sense the hypersonic wave and react to it.

Right down the line from the man in black, the hoodie in white, the white t shirt guy, the "woman" and then the bullet impacting the man in white who crumples as the woman ahead of him slumps, you see a fraction of second human instinct flinch to save their lives, like a thunder clap.

The first time I focused to not focus to take in the scene, I actually flinched too at the flinching as that is the human connection to survive.

If you study the crowd at 43 seconds you will see two characters which are as fascinating as the person who took this video.

I call them Military Guy and Cap Guy.and they have two different reactions. The cap guy is looking in the direction of the camera, but then he senses something behind him and looks right at the man who has crumpled.

The military guy who looks to have been shot at before, instinctively swivels his head and looks directly in what he percieves is the direction of the sound.Two threats in a person shot and where the shot came from, and two men lock onto the danger.

The recorder upon noting what is taking place, swings the camera toward the Trump location.

I disagree with the person who narrates this video, in they say the shot came from the water tower area. You can see the flinch go through the crowd from right to left, not left to right. Yes acoustics can skew things, but we know for certain there were at least two shooters. I suspect at least 3.

Now for the way this worked with JFK,and Ronald Reagan and 9 11, put yourself in the position of those who did this to shoot Donald Trump. The Secret Service and FBI are all looking at the evidence and one thing is jumping out at them and that is they lied to the public like on JFK, Reagan and 9 11. They told us there was one shooter and now we have two definite directions of bullets.

Now those behind this know they did this. It has now dawned on them, that it appears someone knew of their plan, knew to open up on Trump when he said one phrase, and in the above video, those shooters had no intent on shooting Donald Trump.They shot people from another direction knowing that this would surface (they might have taken the footage) which is going to do what the purpose is, in destroying our trust in government completely.

So the people who did this, know they did this. The FBI and SS know they lied. Now they know someone else sent in a team of shooters to really screw things up for them. They know whoever this other group is, whether it is Russia or the Meisterkrieg or DIA, knows what was done and tied a can to their tail which is not ever going to be untied.

We know those who did this have been busy in glow worm convincing 33% of democrats that Trump was in on this. No Donald Trump was not in on this. He did not fake his wounds. His reactions to the whizzing sounds was real, as he reacted to the bullet grazing his ear. This is not Hollywood in people can nick ears with guns. Whoever shot Donald Trump either screwed up missing him in a big way or they screwed up in a big way in not hitting him as no one can anticipate a person turning their head and pointing at a chart when you fire.

Two people in this shot look directly where the camera is. That is not where Mr. .Crooks is, not where the shot is from behind, but is looking at the camera. The line of sight on those  two witnesses lock in a directional angle, and there is a perfect platform at the crane on that line.

Acousics play a roll, but what you are witnessing are multiple shots at the same time, coming from different directions. The flinch is telling people it is coming from behind. The ear is telling two people that the shot is coming from the derrick in front of Trump's position.

As the venue was left wide open, who knows how many professionals were slipped in as the Secret Service was looking at Mr. Crooks.

I have not seen the evidence on the water tower, but the line of angle from the right from a root top fits and the two witnesses are telling us that a shot came from out front. I count 4 shooters if not 5. Sounds impossible, but that is why it was constructed that way, just like all the glow worms on Jan6.

Three of them appear to never have fired a shot in the direction of Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
