Thursday, July 25, 2024

the order arises


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do not celebrate the following nor fear it, because you have no idea what the statement below means.

Globalist ‘Guru' Claims Trump’s Re-Election
Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’ (This
Means That A Lot Of Billionaires Want Trump Gone)

What is the Global Order?

Is it American Imperegal?

Is it Anglo American?

Is it Jewish finance?

It is all of thee above and none of the above fronts.

There is an old order, Nimrod, which is removing these front groups, who rose China and Russia,when others thought they were plying the trade. This is the Meisterkrieg.

There is a coming 5th Reich from the 4th which we are in now rocking the cradle. 

All of these political trolls are there now for one purpose and that is the rising of the Pax Romanus, the Feueradler will appear. The purpose of all that is being manipulated in America is for the establishment of the son of perdition  in Europe. There is not going to be making America.There is going to be using America for the purpose of those behind this to establish the order again.

Nimrod. Antiochos Epiphanese. Their offspring will appear to rule. This is what these Ashkenaz comprehend in their pawn shop is going to be removed. The flat brains they are see this as America centered, but it is not. They will unwittingly bring about the coming of this leader, duped into thinking they will lead. It is all necessary for Christ's return.

Put not your  trust in princes nor in the sons of men.

You have been told where to look and who to expect.

Nuff Said
