Sunday, July 7, 2024

I, Biden


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We will stay with the facts.

On the debate stage, the White House stated that what was wrong with Joe Biden was acid reflux in why he was coughing.

After the debate, the explanation shifted to "Biden had a cold".

Days later on the campaign trail, Biden told the zombies following him that "It was jet lag".

Apparently Joe Biden is coherent enough to know that he failed in a disaster. Apparently Joe Biden is coherent enough to know he has make up cover stories for what is wrong with him.

Shifting explanations means that Joe Biden and his staff are lying. That is as troubling as what is being covered up in what is wrong with Joe Biden in what is being hidden from voters.

What will happen though is Biden will be juiced up for the next appearances, appear "strong" and all of this will just be another reality in Americans being lied and told not to believe what the facts have proven to them.

There is a Lame Cherry quote which sums all of this up and you may quote me:

Joe Biden is a reflection of his staff. The staff is a reflection of Joe Biden, and upon reflection, both of them are the mirror image of incompetence.

-  Lame Cherry
