Sunday, July 28, 2024

Interpreting Trump Speak To Christians


My real middle name is Donald Jesus Trump. I use John as people would get the wrong idea.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just like Jews discovered that they bankrupted themselves in woke shit at Budfuck Lite and Disney child rape movies, and now they have to make movies for White Christian Protestants as that is where the last money is in America (JD Vance as a hedgefunder saw this and set up financing to take over businesses in rural America as there are billions there.) This is why Kristi Noem bends at the butt for pedo shit from Denny Sanford medical sodomy as he bought up the hospitals and controls the state.

So the Lame Cherry is going to explain Trump Speak as Drudge Report had the below that Trump was going to be a Dictator and Jeff Rense thinks he is Biden on mush brain.

Meet you below.

Has (‘Jewish') Trump Caught Biden's Brain Disease? Says
‘Christians Get Out And Vote Just This Time - You Won’t Have
To Do It Anymore! 4 More Years, It’ll Be Fixed, It’ll Be Fine…
You Won’t Have To Vote Anymore…I’m Not Christian…In 4
Years You Don’t Have To Vote Again!...We’ll Have It Fixed So
Good, You’re Not Gonna Have To Vote!’ - Watch This Video

What Donald Trump is saying is, "Look you White Christian Protestants, I'm an adulterer, promote Jewish holocaust of Orthdox Slavs and Gaza Muslims, but I'm one of you, I love you. I need your vote and am begging you for it, AS EXACTLY WAS THE CASE IN 2016 WHEN AN UNHERALDED PATRIOT MOVED CHRISTIANS AND CATHOLICS TO VOTE FOR ME SO I WON, AND THEN STAYED HOME IN 2020 AD IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD BECAUSE I BETRAYED THEM, I'm asking for you to vote for me as this is the margin which Kamala Harris or whatever can not steal this election from me".

That is what Donald Trump is telling Christians. He will get into office, will be a dictator who apparently is not just going to reward the elite, but there is some quid pro quo for Christians in they get a country which maybe the FBI is not hunting them down, as Donald and Melania Trump wrote the RNC platform for sodomites, aborting kids and removing the 2nd Amendment.

This is Trump speak. He will get things done for his trolls in the DIA and then Christians can sit on their asses in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord as the Hillbilly Nazi has implemented whatever so the Peter Thiel Bormann committee will rule forever.

Trump says he is a Christian and loves Christians. 

You can decide what you are going to vote with DIA Donald Trump. The Lame Cherry is just interested in the facts and is no longer involved in politics. I won't be quiet if Donald Trump is smeared, no more if whatever is maligned in the replacement of Dictator Biden.

Donald Trump for Protestant Christians is a bad husband. He broke his vows of MAGA in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Then invited people to Jan6 and abandoned them to prison. He wrote sex deviancy and baby killing into the RNC platform and took out the 2nd Amendment. I told you what Webster Tarpley blurted out a decade ago in the Republicans would be Nazis and the Democrats Communists and the GOP would be a marginalized party. That is what has taken place.

I will not believe a word Donald Trump says, anymore than Hollywood finding religion now that their pedo ring is gone bankrupt.

Donald Trump will fix this, but I do not believe you will like the fix anymore than this Obamaling stuff on the other side.I will explain something in hyperbole which I can not come out and say. I believe Donald Trump is a man of destiny, a Jehu, who has a purpose in a troubled age, to play a part to unwittingly establish a European super order of states as the United States which has been bankrupted melts down and will require years to rebuild in this Trump fix. I think by that time Jesus will have appeared, so the Christian will discern what I'm saying in the trouble and the problems that arise out of Europe.

That is the way I view this fix in the long game. Donald Trump has his part to play and I pray for His safety and God's Will to be accomplished.

Mr.  Trump's one attribute is the Russians may not with him in power or the Hillbilly Nazi resort to nuclear response to Europe, until after Vance keeps America out of the war due to economic collapse and strife, and orders the use of WMD lines of death to stop Russia in Europe.

That is if the Bavarian Seer are kosher in what they have witnessed. I'm for running the clock out and keeping as many pure bloods alive and not radioactive glowing for Jesus return.

Donald Trump is as sound mentally as he always has been.  No macabre warnings before Christians. He is just fulfilling his destiny which could be worse without him.

For Christian bible study, the following quote about Jehu in duality for America should be noted. In loose interpretation, the United States in defeat is going to have to come to terms in the Mideast, and in this, America will be become the vassal of Germany in this next cycle.

He was hard pressed by Hazael, king of the Arameans, who defeated his armies "throughout all of the territories of Israel" beyond the Jordan River, in the lands of GileadGadReuben, and Manasseh.

This suggests that Jehu offered tribute to Shalmaneser III, as depicted on his Black Obelisk, in order to gain a powerful ally against the ArameansBit-Khumri was used by Tiglath-Pileser III for the non-Omride kings Pekah (733) & Hoshea (732), hence House/Land/Kingdom of Omri could apply to later Israelite kings not necessarily descended from Omri. According to others, this description should be taken very literally, as in this period Assyrians were very closely following the events in this area

Jehu is the sAMERICAN leader bowing under  the Reichsadler.
