Friday, July 12, 2024

It is Alive

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So this is a follow up on the adventure of JYG's rototiler.

After 5 hours of taking it apart, it was only running with JYG spraying gas into the carb. Not a very good thing for a rototiller as JYG has other things to do.

So I said I would look online and see if something could be found. Yes things could be found on Ebay but the Chinamen running that shit do not know jack or shit about anything. I asked if this carb would fit the model I did not answer and the other said NO.

The technical data was confusing and I gave it several days going through stuff, thinking about stuff and in the end, I thought the specs matched what I had. So I ordered one as JYG said, "It is not the first time you blew 20 bucks".

So it came after much study and review by myself and TL, and we went to JYG's and as I got to looking at it, it looked like it would fit. We took the carb and tank off, and sure enough this carb would fit.

Damn Chinamen are not just cheats, they are stupid. Let that be a lesson to Peking.

So we put it on and JYG noticed it would not seat into the gas tank and figured out that the filter arm was too long. JYG had a fix for that in he just cut it off so it was not so long.

Put it all back together and with a little gas in the carb it started, but damn if that thing still did not act like it wanted to run past full choke and it was making rev sounds. So we dinked around with it and tried it out in the farmers soybean field and shit really flew as that tiller is like the mother of all tillers.

Took the plum tree roots and electric fence wire off the tiller part and it still was acting like it was misbehaving.

So I asked JYG what he wanted for it. He would not say. As I had my 20 dollar carb on it, it was like, ok I will offer 40. He was not going to accept that. He tried to get me to buy another tiller for 40 bucks total for the two, but I already had another tiller I was working on to get running from him. 

Anyway, the price was 20 bucks for the fixed tiller. Considering how expensive these tillers were and are, it was a good deal.

On the way home I saw the tractor whisperer burning wood, so I stopped and we  talked, asked if I could drop the tillers off, and he said OK, so that is where they both will get the once over from the Tractor Whisperer.

On the ride home, it was good for the tiller, as I was not going to unload it, so started it in the pick up bed and it took right off an sounded better, in fact was running good. Sometimes shit just needs to be used and bounced around I guess to get wetted in.

So that is our tiller adventure. I probably will get that other beast from JYG as he wanted me to buy it. 20 bucks blown and then I can have 4 tillers I will not be using probably.

The Tractor Whisperer has one like this one, so whatever is screwed up on the belts and things he will know what has to be righted in order for it to get to the place where it is working like it really should which is the purpose for the tiller. 

This one is mostly for weeding between the rows once I get the Vibrashank Digger dug to China in lossening everything up.

I learned a great deal from JYG though in tearing this tiller apart. The people who had it should not have left it sit in flood waters, but it seems no worse for ware and I do not have a thousand bucks to invest in a new tiller.

Just have to get prepped so we are ready for the times ahead. This has helped allot. 

I wonder if we should get a snowblower from JYG. Not like I have a use for that either as it is too small for my big jobs, but he has lots of snowblowers.

Nuff Said

