Saturday, July 6, 2024

Joe Biden - The Heart of the Matter


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are realities of the ABC interview with Dictator Biden, and the first was  that George Stephanopolous was not going to allow himself to be the Dan Rather guy who brought down Joe Biden in how Rather tried with Richard Nixon and George HW Bush.

So while Stephanopolous was forced to be a professional to save himself, he was not going to press beyond a competency test. The real question is what medications Joe Biden is taking and he needs to submit to a drug test. 

So the 22 minutes of Biden was already a foregone conclusion. As with CNN providing Biden the questions, it is a given that ABC handed Biden the questions and he had time to prepare. Whatever elixir this old man is pumped full of for the day, lasts a day, and as long as Biden does not have to read a  prompter or get confused by allot of data, he does manage to recite political answers.

The real issue is, if Biden allows someone how appears like him or AI to fill in the gaps when Biden is having his off days or the 16 hours he is not capable in the day. Everyone knows this, in meeting Biden, in a New York Mag expose details the whispering of "How is Biden" in people asking each other after they are horrified and shocked in meeting him. The basic Biden moment is a pasted on sweet smile, not knowing who anyone is and asking the name of the person, dialated eyes with nothing behind them in a brain that is not functioning, and a hand touch which is morbidly cool. That is Joe Biden as the man is dying, because he is an old man with illness and brain damage.

It is summed up by David Axelrod as he is an insider, and knows absolutely what the condition of Joe Biden is. Axelrod is honest in what he states, the biggest part is that Joe Biden is the elected nominee of democrats and nothing is going to change that. You just can't get rid of a guy in the Oval O as it is not that easy.

“The president is rightly proud of his record,” David Axelrod, previously a key aide to former President Obama, wrote on social media soon after the interview was broadcast. “But he is dangerously out of touch with the concerns people have about his capacitiies moving forward and his standing in this race.”

Everyone knows Biden is incapacitated. The public witnessed this in the debate which was allowed to happen to show this, in order for the powers that be to gain leverage on Biden. The CIA media is running this soft coup in order for Bill Burns to wrest the control of the Tel Aviv and Kiev situation from the Kaganites as they have told Moscow not to escalate as they are attempting to reign in Joe Biden World War IV.

Democrats as this blog has stated, needed to come out and confirm to the voters that Biden is a good guy, accomplished and that they do not agree with his staying. That is the political attempt to save their Congressional jobs.

Biden was propped up to do what he had to. The CIA ABC platform that Bill Casey set up, did what it had to do to gain a marker on Biden to leverage him. If the legacy media keeps at Biden, it means he is not stopping world war. If they let him slide now from Stephanopolous, then you know he is going only so far in striking Russia on the south and western front.

I have read Stephanopolous' memoirs of Clinton campaigns and have been exposed to enough of Axelrods mindset to know that they are "good" men, but their politics have wiped out America and brought us Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Both of these good men are telling us to read between the lines that the Dictator does not have clothes. They do not want to be Cassius sticking the knife in, but are like your Uncle telling his niece, "You are a pretty good kid, but maybe you better find some better friends", without saying your friends parents are sex deviants, dopers and nutty criminals.

Just understand that the drama is a distraction in all of this about Biden. Speculation is fun, but you will  hear "this has been put to rest", when Joe Biden just a few hours before ABC got the lights on him, said he was a black woman before the public.

It is the heart of the matter.

I've been tryin' to get down
To the heart of the matter

But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter

But I think it's about
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Even if, even if
You don't love me anymore

Nuff Said

Don Henley - The Heart Of The Matter (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Dec 7, 2022 ... Title: Don Henley – “The Heart of the Matter” [HD] Official HD Remastered Music Video for “The Heart of the Matter” performed by Don Henley ...
