Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris' First Mistake


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Kamala Harris in a phone call to her staffers, seemed to forget that a week ago, her Biden administration almost got Donald Trump assassinated, did get another American murdered and several others critically injured.

Kamala Harris and her type own the Trump assassination, not just their political appointee who appears to have "known what needed to be done for Biden to win this race" and left the Butler venue wide open for a shooter.

Democrats are pouring money into the Harris coffers in an orgy of delight in the coup against Joe Biden. The problem is their top security democrat just proved she was culpable in attempting to win this election for Joe Biden, by assassinating Donald Trump by resigning.

Secret Service Director resigns...

So when the Biden regime admitted by this resignation they were involved in murder, this was not the time for the unintelligent cat call from Kamala Harris stating she was going to finish the job of Pennsylvania in getting Donald Trump.

“Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type!” Harris said as the crowd broke into thunderous applause.

This is the type of rhetoric which Joe Biden was engaged in before the assassination attempt and murder, and now Kamala Harris is engaged in even more inflamed lynching of Donald Trump to bring out even more unhinged people.

This Harris pit bull slashing at throats does play well for frightened democrats donating money and staffer who have no humanity in them nor the rule of law. It does not play out well though in the reality of Butler Pennsylvania which almost set off a civil war in America if Mr Trump had died.

Congressional Democrats led by Representative Ocasio Cortez set the correct tone in working for a way to not have Butler happen again for any politician. They were responsible in tone, but what Kamala Harris unleashed today undid all of that as she threw gasoline on a burning flame.

The reality of today is, the wrong Democrat resigned in Director Cheatle and Dictator Biden. The person who should have resigned is Kamala Harris in she does not have the sense to not lynch a man who was almost assassinated just a few days ago.

This is what this blog was most concerned about. It is a logical projection that these donors and all democrat are going to realize the huge mistake which their quadroon mammy just reignited in the political spectrum.

Harris in her tooth and claw got in a cheap bloodying of Donald Trump for her blood thirsty mob, but she galvanized the Trump voters and alienated the middle who do not like it when people with their heads almost blown off have Kamala Harris tying a rope around their neck and trying to hang them in kangaroo courts.

Kamala Harris made a huge first mistake as these shortsighted donors do not realize that a quarter of a billion dollars just evaporated from the down ticket and into Harris' black hole which is never coming back.

Kamala Harris Refused To Enforce Tough Sex Offender Law While ...

Sep 14, 2020 ... Jim Nielsen condemned Harris' move against sex offender registration as “outrageous. ... This is far from the only example of Harris letting sex ...

Nuff Said

