Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris goes hard White

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seem evident that the big names in Democrats 20208 AD in the year of our Lord want anything to do with being on the Kamala Harris ticket.

So you know what the people in power are thinking would fit with the incompetent Birther Harris, here are their dream dates.

I would like to say I have reached puberty.

Andy Beshar of young he is still sucking mommy's nipples.

I'm not really old. I'm just seasoned.

Roy Cooper of North old his pecker pumps dust not semen.

I'm not stupid looking. I look Jewish.

Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania..........the governor who could not save Biden or get the Donald killed

The sun burned all my hair off in orbit.

Mark Kelly of Arizona.............the weird skin head astronaut but brain damaged wife somewhere.

I find cock on my breath and feces on my penis appealing.

Pete Buttplug of Indiana..............the queer version of the incompetent Secret Service Director

I can't stop eating. I think I ate a city.

JB Pritzker of Illinois...........a man who stores all of his fat in his head.

You will notice that only White Priv is allowed on the Kamala Harris ticket as the DNC sends a message after that other birther, named Obama, that they need some kind of Caucasian to offset the Hamite.

Kamala Harris has had White People carrying her water like Obama did and she was still a horrendous failure. Joe Biden is now gone, but he at least did the work while Obama played. Now it is all Kamala Harris, and none of these White Priv elite are no Joe Biden. Joe Biden as senile as he was 16 hours a day, has more going on upstairs than this prime lot of White People for Kamala Harris to be propped up by. This lot honestly makes her look not so stupid.

None of this changes the fact that Obama put Harris on this ticket so she would fade away. None of this changes that Kamala Harris is a flat backer and owes all she is not to merit, but to being a political tramp.

From 1994 to 1995, while still married,  Brown dated Kamala Harris, who worked as an Alameda County Deputy District Attorney at the time. In 1994 Brown appointed Harris to two different commissions - the State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.[Their relationship gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and ran for president

I can tell you this. Democrats got what they wanted in dumping Joe Biden. At this moment they are stuck with Kamala Harris who is the same Bidenomics, holocaust, genocide, open borders, inflation failure shrieking about Trump being more dangerous than  global warming.

No one likes this quadroon in polls or in person. No one is going to like this weird, obnoxious, perverted group of White Penis trying to make Kamala a man President. They are all off putting. Harris picks any of them and you can hear the political toilet flushing her campaign down the drain.

I can tell you the whispers in this.

Big Mike Obama does not want Kamala Harris leading the way for it in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord that an Afroid woman can not be elected.

Hamrod Clinton does not want the first vagina as president to be anyone but her.

What this all rests on in the reality is Kamala being set up for a major political stumble, whereby Hillary Clinton will move in the Obama shadows to be nominated, and swear to serve one term, with the understanding that Big Mike takes the yoke in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord.

Dictator Biden thinks he can save himself after Pennsylvania by stuffing the ballots or Harris as an FU to Obama and Clinton, as Harris will pardon Hunter Biden in the deal.  After the gush of donors getting rid of Biden and dumping in cash,  democrats will see the polls that Harris is a sinking ship.

The only white man that democrats have who can save this ticket is Hillary Clinton.

How Kamala Harris fares against Trump in the 2024 polls - NBC News

1 day ago ... Kamala Harris has been polling the same as Biden — or just slightly better — against Donald Trump, per polls taken before Biden withdrew ...

Nuff Said
