Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kween for a Week and then what.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Mockingbird buzz word for Kamala Harris was MOMENTUM. This was an election manipulating attempt by the Kamala Biden orb to close the lead on Donald Trump. Despite Trump's assassination bump vanishing in choosing the Hillbilly Nazi, the reality is that even Peter Thiel can not do permanent harm to Trumpland. Trump is running in two reputable polls an 8 point lead over Harris.

Harris has had a week, to run a smoke and mirrors that she has some magic voodoo, but the magic monkey is not working in the Obama pants. Harris now faces a reality that the reluctant big names having given themselves cover in supporting the Biden Dump, and so giving themselves cover can now run the game of installing their own candidate.

Watch for trouble in paradise hints. The big  one will be if Harris does not secure the nomination on a first ballot.

It all comes down to the internal polls and everyone knows that Harris is down 8 in a head to head and down 10 if The Deuce appears.

If Democrats go on this suicide binge, then the same upstanding trolls will move to their first resort to defeat Trump and that is Butler II.

A week of propaganda have not produced the results for Kween Kamala. She has no momentum. She has some rabid trolls with blind hatred of Trump and will destroy the election to jump over the cliff.

Harris is a bizarre animal in how she and her cohorts operate. Their take on Donald Trump and the debate is that Trump was intimidated to debate Harris whe the reality is, Trump is not going to schedule a debate to help seat Harris at the DNC. The kind of rhetoric Harrris spouts works with weak minds, but it is the same rhetoric which has Rob Reiner screaming at the television in Biden being a half wit in the debate, because Reiner drank the koolade.

Americans are being financially broken. The country is invaded. War is coming. Americans let Joe Biden steal the election because they were pissed off at Trump. All of these realities are owned by Kamala Harris. She aborted America on the Obama plan.

I can give you a bit of history. Bill Clinton raped women.  Bill Clinton lied. People voted for him because the economy was good. America has a disaster economy from Biden Harris Obama. Trump is promising what was better and the minute that Harris starts spouting about sex predator, no one is going to care, and they will vote for Trump in money, instead of Biden in poverty.

Abortion only worked in the midterms, because the GOPliters stood down as they did not want to have to deal with a majority in having to pass laws and taking responsibility for this klusterfuck.

In looking at the above data, the only way Kamala Harris gets to be president is if the Dictator dies, as she either loses in the DNC or the general.

She can not steal enough votes as Biden did for his fictional 81 million sham, not with Trump running 10 points ahead.

Never forget the one thing in this race. The majority of people will dislike Kamala Harris the more they see her than dislike Donald Trump.

This is still about election theft and the margin about stealing an election.

Nuff Said
