Friday, July 19, 2024

Negative Image


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading obituaries, I always think of the line in Will Penny, "How was he really before he bucked off".

Meaning, what kind of dirty son of a bitch was he really, as people now only are saying the good about him.

I came across an obituary, yes the normal type of how much people loved him and how great the guy was, and a few people said something nice in comments, but I have a different story on this guy in a real experience.

So I was in a store, and I asked this guy who worked there if they could deliver some things, as they were large items as in livestock panels and I had nothing to haul them with. Dude flat out said, "No we don't do that".

I knew he was a damn liar, as I knew the store had a trailer and was making deliveries.

As I knew the management at the store in the assistant,  I went over to her and said, "I just asked that guy over there if you could make deliveries of some panels that I want to buy, and he told me that you didn't do that."

She was puzzled and said, "I don't know why he would say that, because we do that."

She then went over and talked to him about it with me standing there as we paid for the panels. She made him deliver the panels and when he arrived, I made him unload the things by himself.

Now why did he lie? Because that is what the fuck he was. He didn't want to deliver something and work, so he lied to me and thought that would be the end of it.

He was pissed at being caught and in spite the story continues.

So awhile later, I was in the store buying something and this son of a bitch kept hovering around me. What I figured out he was up to, was he was going to accuse me of shoplifting when I have never done in my life and never would. He though was going to get his revenge that way in a real false witness set up, because this son of a bitch got caught screwing his employer over.

He never made the accusation, but this prick would just glare at me and was cold as ice to me for years at the store as he began to gimp around in trying to work.

So he disappeared and I see he retired, or was forced to retire and went to some shit hole state where he belonged, and everyone on loved him it said, and he had a real Christian burial.

I though know what a lying son of a bitch he was, how he tried to frame me in revenge and what a complete asshole he he got caught in his sin.

I wonder about pieces of satan like this, as most people are this way, all fake and smiling at those who it matters and treating others like shit. What is the Judgment past the life review by Jesus the Christ, when the subject of me comes up, in all how wonderful he was in print.

Stage IV was my aunt and she was a real stupid bitchweed who treated me poorly, treated TL poorly and treated others poorly. Yet I noticed some people said some nice things about her. The Holy Ghost explained to me, "This woman is only nice to people when it matters to her. She treats everyone else like crap, because there is nothing in it for her".

That is what the son of a bitch's scam was. If there was not something in it for him, he was going to be the asshole he really was, because there was nothing in it for him.

Yes I pray for the comfort for his family as a Christian should and may if they are the same birds of a feather drive them to repent, but while I'm not God being the Judge in condemning people, I doubt this tool of satan is in Heaven for the long term as I know what was under his skin and what he was really like before he bucked off.

Nuff Said
