Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sentinel - The Ghoul Works

It is not intended to kill Russians, just White American Protestant Christians

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who did not believe me that the land based nuclear missiles are only there to keep metro dictatorships from being vaporized by the Eurasians, 700 of my scientific colleagues with Scientific American stated that fact EXACTLY as the Lame Cherry broke this reality here in the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as this popular girl turned poor orphan (genius by God) as one of the last nuclear weapon and energy experts.

However, the cost is hardly the only reason to cancel the program, UCS scientists argue. The silos that house the nuclear missiles, which are found in North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska, are vulnerable to attack — in fact, they are designed to draw enemy weapons away from other U.S. targets, according to Scientific American.

Such an attack would expose huge swaths of the American population to radioactive fallout. 

What is behind this is the same Ghoul Works Program in Wall Street Nazi hedgefunds who own ghoul politicians like Rounds and Thune from South Dakota, which funnels trillions of dollars into this dinosaur radioactive death program of land based missiles for profit.

No scientists are doig a critique of this Sentinel, and the polls of Americans without any knowledge of what this is, save to ask a question, "the system is old, should we update it" and the response comes out yes, engages in nothing to expose that this trillion dollar profit for the ghouls, is only meant to mass slaughter Americans. NOT ONE RUSSIA, CHINESE OR KOREAN will die from these missiles. They are meant to draw fire, and this blog has shown the Russians are not going to waste nuclear warheads on empty silos.

What is alarming in this is the new computer launch control is faster, meaning accidental launches will take place.

To the already obsolete realities of Sentinel, it carries only one thermonuclear warhead.  It is not hypersonic in it requires 30 minutes to launch and reach target. The Russian S 500 and coming 550 will shoot down every warhead.

There is a really sickening part of this warhead in it is meant to create radioactive fallout with ground burst detonation. It can not destroy Russian bunker cities, any more than it can hit Russian ICBM's because Russia is not stupid, in Russia puts it's missiles on wheels so they are a moving target.

LGM-35A Sentinel Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, USA

Feb 2, 2024 ... It is expected to have a range exceeding 5,500km and can reach any target across the world in just 30 minutes post-launch following a parabolic ...

WarheadW87 mod 0 thermonuclear warhead (300 kilotons of TNT (1,300 TJ))
W87 mod 1 thermonuclear warhead (unknown yield)[2]
Ground-burst and/or air-burst fusing modes

EngineThree-stage solid-fuel rocket
astro-inertial + GPS
Missile silo

If you read above, you will see the term Astro Inertial Navigation and GPS. You should know GPS as that is run off a satellite. Russia will with it's Skywalker use advanced warfare to knock those satellites out of use.

As for the astro part, that was designed almost 70 years ago for spy planes. It is a telescopic mirror which tracks a series of stars, and like a sextant on a wooden sailing ship notes position and corrects for this 30 minute flight. A spy plane is not moving in near space at these higher speeds. Like all things American produced now by the Ghoul Works, they almost kill astronauts with Boeing systems and things do not hit targets.

In just not putting any thought into counter measures for this article, I would project that Russia would be able to launch a half dozen hypersonic warheads, which would with cheap mirror lenses, be capable of laying an Elon Musk type Starlink blanket of reflections to confuse this navigation system. There is no secret in the prominent stars. They could be blacked out and new stars created.  In theory, as this is a northern trajectory. the warheads would be drawn off course and by being in free fall, strike NATO or the ocean.

This is an obsolete and dinosaur system. It can be blinded and all of these electronics fused.

For that matter, all the pre positioned nukes placed in America, one 150 megaton warhead at each location would end the missiles. For that matter, a hardened "bullet" from a number of Speznats teams could hit the concrete bunker, penetrate the missile and that is what they say in German in kaput.

A-12/SR-71 astro-inertial navigation system | Secret Projects Forum

Sep 12, 2023 ... The ANS combined data from an inertial platform with a time datum supplied from a chronometer accurate to within 5ms. Position updating was ...

A time-consuming primary alignment was done on the ground to bring the inertial components to a high degree of accuracy for the start of a mission. Once in flight, a "blue light" source star tracker, which could detect and find stars during day or night, would continuously track a variety of stars as the changing aircraft position brought them into view. The system's digital computer ephemeris contained data on 56 (later 61) stars. The ANS was later modified to speed up the ground alignment and even start it in the air.

My colleagues are correct. A much better system is submarine system. In fact, planting nuclear missiles on the ocean floor would make them almost invulnerable.  It would not have people being blown up in Christian White Protestants as this is what the target has always been.

In the end, Russia already has a nuke swatter which will obliterate these Sentinels. Before the S 500 appeared, THE AMERICAN GROUP UNDER BUSH41 was advocating shutting down land missiles as unnecessary.

This is the same ghoul shit which Richardd Nixon engaged in, in he could have mined thorium for nuclear reactors, but the money was in uranium for this Goddamn arms industry, as it is now again. Sentinel needs to shut down as it is already obsolete.

Russia claims that the S-500 is capable of intercepting all types of modern hypersonic weapons; and has claimed to have successfully tested such capability Russia is reportedly planning to deploy the S-500 alongside the planned S-550 missile system as part of its air defense network

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
