Sunday, July 21, 2024

the greatest guy ever

I know I look like a man but think of it more as a gender.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I amuse myself reading obituaries in the hope that God will require the souls of the people I despise.  I came across an obit which had who I think was a comment from white trash, about a guy who died, "Who was the greatest guy ever". Nice compliment to her husband who is mid white trash like her.

Anyway this is the story of the greatest guy ever in who he really was.

So the mother being the mother does not listen to me, and breaks her hip. Real ordeal in spot on lung found, that by God's Grace prayer disappeared, and I alone got her back to her home and saved her life as my siblings abandoned her for the fear of having to watch her, or have hospital expenses.

The mother made you feel like sandpaper on your heart in being around her as an empath. She had uses for people and as a sociopath had no idea how to be a friend, other than go through the motions and like with me, treating them like shit when it suited her.

So she had not a circle of people, even though she reached out. So she reached out to people she should not have, like her nurse in the hospital who just happened to be raised by my grandparents. She was a nice enough gal, her brother Keffen is a real asshole though once you find out when the chips are down.

She and her husband were both vaxed, both got simultaneous cancer in October 2022 AD in the year of our Lord and Nice Guy ends up dead in January of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Now that you know the players, the story is, the mother calls up the nurse. She is not there, no one is. So weeks later, I'm home still taking care of the mother and the phone rings. It is Nice Guy. He has some real tude going on, as he is wondering why a guy has called his home phone. The guy is my dad and he is dead......we never changed the name as it kept people from calling as they liked picking on women..
I'm trying to put things together in what this is about, when the Holy Ghost explains this is the work of the mother. I explain that she was just calling to say thank you, and whether the Nice Guy believed it or not, we hung up, and I told the mother, "Stop causing problems because you are bored as you call people up and they think someone is having an affair".

So that is Nice Guy. Now if you saw the wife, well she looks like Keffen. I can't remember what 80's dwarf star he looks like, but his name was Doug McKeon........I had to look it up, but no one wants to have sex with that who is not pedo.

I really don't see the need to be thinking your wife is having an affair when she looks like something that no one would have enough energy left after puking at the thought of sex. What was going on in that marriage was really something odd. It must have been wonderful to have a husband Nice Guy who treated others nice, but was always thinking his wife was being hit on, when ...........ok I have seen some real frumper tanks here who get tapped, but it must be some mommy Oedipus thing as these are ugly women and they attract, but it is not like anyone with a brain goes out looking for guy girls, unless you are a fag like Barack Hussein Obama with Big Mike.

So when I read obits, I think of the Will Penney line of, "Yeah what was he really like before he bucked out", as people say nice things, but they never got the experience I did in seeing who these obsessed possessive psychotics they are.
I know the family the nurse married into.  I like the women, one was a good friend, but I have known enough of that bunch to stay the hell away from them as they are a version of me without acting the part of psycho to keep people off the property.

The greatest guy ever though had a big chink in his armour. Makes one wonder what really was going on with that marriage if it was all him being nuts or did she spread the Ponderosa a bit to enjoy the vistas.

What can you say though when the people who vouch for you are white trash and the people who think they are ok are the people who cover themselves with money to validate themselves and only have people around them who........are around them being nice, because they have money.

Nuff Said

