Sunday, July 21, 2024

Your Death in Nuclear War is not an Exact Sum


“When Putin invaded Ukraine, some of the oldest and deepest fears in Europe roared back to life because once again a murderous madman was on the march,” Biden stated.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some would point out that Mr. Putin moved to protect Russians who were about to be genocided by the NATO Nazi of Kiev, and that Mr Putin is not the murderous madman in DC who has funded holocaust in Gaza and backed the mass murder of over 1 million Christian Slavs in Ukraine.

These though are all the preludes to global nuclear war. Scott Ritter produced an informative column on the necessity voting for the candidate in America in these fraud elections who is the one who will be John Kennedy in not launching nuclear weapons. Joe Biden will. Kamala Harris will. The Russians according to Alexander Dugan, believe that with Donald Trump in the White House, there is a possibility that Russia will not be forced to fire nuclear warheads at Americans. The Lame Cherry is not backing a candidate. I'm simply pointing out reality that the countdown has begun for thermonuclear war.

Scott Ritter produced a 1980's study when the pointy heads thought that Ronald Reagan was going to kill us all. The illustration below is akin to a number of maps I have explained below and is based on two principles.

Principle One: Prevailing winds.

Principle Two: The Pentagon suckering Russia to use 400 of their nuclear warheads to blow up missile silos which will have already fired their warheads at Russia. So Russia will be killing mostly antelope and 10 million White Protestant Christians that Russia would need as allies after this nuclear holocaust.

I will explain again that Russia developed the S 500 and 550 systems to shoot down archaic American IDBM's. Meaning Russia built doomsday cities under Mr. Putin as Mr. Putin will protect 90% of his population from radiation in a war. Russia means to survive. In Russian chess, it is not a correct assessment to waste nuclear warheads on empty targets. So the Lame Cherry has concluded the scientists produced CIA Mockingbird propaganda to sucker Russia to waste weapons. These scientists now admit that these silos in Montana, the Dakotaa, Wyoming and Nebraska are bait for Russia. They will get 10 million Christians murdered to save 100 Sodomites in the metro dictatorships.

This scenario kills most of the population from Montana to New York.

Meet you at the other map.

This is a wind map the Lame Cherry made to explain winds which were typical of HAARP in this era. I have the big nuke fields as dots, and have then drawn with blue arrows the wind patterns on the map.

Now there is a difference from the Jet Stream, winds aloft and ground winds, but you should be able to discern that most of the radioactive debris is not going to be pushed west to east. It will be pushed in HAARP, in a containment pattern over the Dakotas and Montana, with the fallout moving into Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and then back into New York and the New England States.

Completely different than the 1980's. As I have stated, no one knows about this nuclear projections as weather changes, winds change, HAARP has altered reality, and no one has ever experienced what all that bomb heat is going to do in generating it's own weather pattern like a forest fire.

Missouri does not have ICBM's as in 1980. They now have B 2 bombers. Yes Russia will nuke that base to shut it down as a platform, but this is not like the movie, The Day After where Kansas families after having a nooner, see a Minuteman go off, and then are nuked with their cows all over this area by Russian response. Whiteman is a small base compared to Kansas. One 150 megaton ends the platform, and one 150 megaton is not 100 10 megatons pumping up dust over a large area.

These maps are produced by scientists. They are intelligent people, but these models and these brains are not reality. When one desires a plus minus assessment to base projections on, one bases any assessment on an engineer. Engineers in every field are the bright children in the room. When the Lame Cherry states they are one of the last nuclear warfare experts, in a field which no one has any experience in every dealing with thousands of warheads detonating in macro, micro and mega effects, that is the popular girl as a nuclear warfare engineer. Scientists utilize numbers to produce theories which most of the time are head up the ass wrong. Engineers are moulding dynamics as these are living entities which are being moulded.

The 1980's map is shocking for the nuclear crematoria fodder. For others, they are smug in thinking they are safe in others are dying and not them. The above Scott Ritter illustration though is based entirely on ICBM's. I will make you a promise you can bank on in gold. In fact you people with money can buy me a pile of gold over this. I promise you 1000% percent that Russia is NEVER going to strike America first or in response to tactical nuclear warheads with their strategic ICBM's. Those Sarmat hypersonic glider gems are there as the last Ace up the Sleeve.  When Russia is struck an retaliates, she is either going to hit with pre positioned nukes inside of America or if this is Jeopardy Option, the Kremlin will launch their offshore nuclear missiles from their submarines.  That is important if you are in the Scott Ritter extermination zone, as Russia is not going to waste their missiles, which are not exactly for the range of thee American interior. Russian megaton warheads are going to vaporize what this blog has projected in the coastal U pattern on America where most of the population and bases are.
Yes Russia will strike manpower bases to kill off that million man army. Yes Russia will nuke Denver Cheyenne Mountain as much as Whiteman and St. Louis to eliminate threats, but in projecting this from an engineering focus, Russia will use megaton thermonuclear warheads first on US nuclear submarines to attempt to crush them like cans with vicinity nukes. Russia comprehends that it will not get them all. It comprehends it can interdict against American long ranges bombers over staging areas for refueling, but what gets through is what that S 500 and 550 defense was built for, and that includes those defective Minutemen missiles. Russian leadership is not ignorant in thinking it can hit US missiles in silos as there will not be time and that is an uncertainty. Russia is going to move in this extermination situation to dealing with the closest to absolutes there is.

The main concern of Russia are these American kamikaze suicide F 35 nuclear bombers, where these idiot pilots think they are going to do a mission and come back home. No, the ones that are not shot down by S 400 systems, will have to land in high rad areas and will be shitting bloody stools out in a few days. Most will be beat to death by the European mobs for the nuclear death they unleashed.

Most of you reading this, if you are pack rats and have your attic full, cover your windows, stay inside are not going to receive the poison rad doses. Curb your insanity for 2 weeks and you will be in a world of dying people and a rather stout group of animal primates you will probably have to kill off as they will murder you.

An equal amount of deaths will be from dirty water, exposure, lack of daily meds, than from a nuclear strike scenario.

The Kaiser did not have nuclear weapons to save his people. Adolf Hitler had nuclear weapons and did not use them to save his people. Vladimir Putin has nuclear weapons, in a three tier operational package of tactical. submarine strategic and strategic thermonuclear. Russia will be pushed to employ these, depending on escalation and situation.
The strike area and death count is unique to each platform.

- Lame Cherry

I will close this with the wisdom of Senator John Sherman, brother of General W T Sherman.

The Republicans have elected in this time of war a president. The first measure we should employ is Peace.

Senator John Sherman.

