Monday, July 15, 2024

The Hillbilly Nazi


Das fünfte Reich

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The pick Donald Trump originally had made for him was the correct one in Marco Rubio, who would have in  their verse, swung more Latinoids who are fraud voters into the Trump column.

As it is, you can quote me on this:

Donald Trump had a 20 point surge after being shot. In a day he erased that bump and created a 10 point deficit by picking the Hillbilly Nazi.

- Lame Cherry

JD Vance's resume does not read kosher. He has a horse backing him as certain as Barack Hussein Obama had elements pushing him.

One only has to look at the Vance resume to understand where Vance's loyalties are. The sodomite hedgefunder created by Bush fam with the other oligarchs, all trace back to the Reich gold which came into finance under the brilliant economic leadership of Martin Borrman.

For those who see that Vance is a Ziongelical apologist for International Socialism, this product of the Nazi Bush fam schism, they are not understanding that Theil has deployed the former Austrian Prime Minister, Sebastian Kurz, of what this blog keeps explaining, in the future tense, the 5th Reich will rise in Europe. Vance is their man.

He served as a principal at Peter Thiel's firm, Mithril Capital, between 2016 and 2017

Donald Trump was forced to pick this Hillbilly Nazi because a greater order is coming and America has only a fodder part in these last days.

You can read what Vance thinks of Donald Trump while you were supporting Mr. Trump and the alternate to Mr. Trump was..................Jeb Bush.

In a February 2016 USA Today column, he wrote that "Trump's actual policy proposals, such as they are, range from immoral to absurd." In the Atlantic and on the PBS show hosted by Charlie Rose, Vance called Trump "cultural heroin" and "an opioid of the masses." In October 2016, he called Trump "reprehensible" in a post on Twitter,and called himself a "never-Trump guy." In a private message on Facebook he called Trump "America's Hitler"

The reality is that what took place in Pennsylvania was to either remove Trump from the RNC process, to install these elements, because Mr. Trump was not on board. Now he is on board, so firing some shots at Deserter Don has him making the choice of those whose hands rock the cradle.

Martin Borrman's committee got their candidate. This is JD Vance.

PS: For those who do not understand the term Hillbilly Nazi, it is absolutely correct. If Vance was legitimate he would have known that he is of Holler Folk, not Hillbillies as that is what comes out of West Virginia.

I was relaxed earlier today as I knew it was going to be Rubio or Gabbard. After this revision, this is more than troubling in Deserter Don saved himself again for awhile. What we all have now is JD Vance, the Obama Chameleon.

* stop texting and posting the stupid things you think or you will regret it worse than Jan6.

Nuff Said
