Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Hybrid Surveillance Planes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ever since I published on the data which was made public that there was a Chinese connection in DC to an FBI location linking Thomas Crooks to a central cell phone, my high speed internet has been running in reverse in it is so slow.

I knew someone was grabbing my bytes and resending, or several entities were a this happens, even if I was assured by Homeland Security that such lags were just line speed.

So last evening around 7 pm I stepped outside, and there before me was this low flying, slow flying jet, which looked like a fat 727 Boeing. I got my binos and it was moving so slow that I picked it up again for a close look.

The configuration was all wrong as it looked both fat Boeing and drone, a kind of hybrid thing in a dazzling pure white. For some reason the drones I always see are whiter than white. I do not know what this thing was with two visible jet engines, and what looked like propulsion out the rear end. I do know that an aircraft that big, moving that slow should have been close to stalling.

It was flying on a non aviation path. I know jets and planes in flight as I have been watching them since a child and amazed my brother that I could tell jets by contrails.

So paranoid like the UPS delivery truck that pulled in the yard last week and backed out without delivery has me concluding that I have some FBI Stingray hovering around minding what I'm posting in public on the blog. Every time some new agency or branch gets involved, I run into this lag and it is so obtrusive that it makes posting here a real challenge.

Details confirmed by the FBI track closely with published reports since at least 2003 that a government surveillance program might be behind suspicious-looking planes slowly circling neighborhoods. The AP traced at least 50 aircraft back to the FBI, and identified more than 100 flights since late April overflying both major cities and rural areas.

I will add that I have never had any of this dink stuff snooping around me. I get the pretty high dollar stuff as some kind of priority.

It would be more cost effective if they just read the blog. It costs millions and wastes agent time even at the contractors to log reports on the files on me. Frankly, I remember when Barry Seals got offed by the Bush fam, that a nice man called up Mrs. Seals, told her things were over, and that a deposit was made in her account, and she should now keep  her mouth shut. That is my kind of government. I would appreciate a million dollar deposit into my bank account. No need to even send me a note as what I pot here will not make a difference anyway as this is about the croc state sowing distrust in the government, and I just point out obvious things here. These groups could just donate, and I would probably go fishing or gardening, and just post the Jesus  things or how to survive when this all tanks.

Whatever reason, I'm in the Brier, and the planes were back in view Monday, July 29, and there was not much issue in hiding them, as usually the drone scoot when  they see me looking at them. I apparently get the top of the line surveillance and only very attractive agents reviewing things which is pleasant as who would want some ratty old Cessna and some not attractive woke foreigner just fished out of the boat.

Just reminding that I'm popular again, and people with money should donate to make up for the deadbeats in the intelligence services as I know the non donors want to make their mark in how patriotic and brave they really are.

That China stuff really tripped the wires.

Nuff Said
