Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The November Elections


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Residing in the future, based upon the public data, the Lame Cherry projects that the November elections will be based on one of two outcomes, if Russia and the Islamic alliance can not defeat to retreat the NATO and Tel Aviv forces about to unleash on Lebanon.

Below you will find a Lame Cherry map of the end of September, start of October, Hebrew New Year and Day of Atonement order of battle.

Logic dictates the American 300,000 with armour will be moved into theater by first week of September to put into place a reinstallment of Dictator Biden 2025 AD in the year of our Lord. The objective is to defeat Russia in Ukraine using American woke vaxed troops in Airborne and Armour.


The blue arrows are American. The red arrow are Russian forces. The crossing of the Dnieper is fluid as it will be at a point where a bridgehead can assemble to spring for the forward thrust.

The Lame Cherry concludes that there will be a blitz to begin this. There will be 250,000 armed drones to clutter Russian defenses, and hide F 16's piloted by NATO pilots, commanded by the Pentagon with fire coordination of HIMARS missiles out of Romania. The purpose with a concentrated salvo of artillery will be to blow a hole through the Russian southern front.

A flanking spear of light armour will strike for Kharkov, to protect the main group which will hit Donbass, and begin driving the Russian forces back into Crimea.

A feint will take place at Kherson outside of Odessa to hold Russian forces there with the purpose to drive the Russians back into the defensive position of Crimea where 600,000 Russians will be detained.

It is expected that Russia's prime army of the Baltics will be drawn south to strike the American lines and reinforce Kharkov. Once this million plus army is on the move, American high altitude bombers and additional magic F 16's, 35/s and warthogs will strike the Baltic armour and kill that army.

Meet you on the other side.

The Pentagon would logically project that Russia would deplete it's S 300 and 400 systems, so missile and air defense would vanish, meaning NATO would control the skies, in exchange for 60 old F 16's on suicide mission.
Russia would deplete half of it's fighter air force.

Russian Army Baltic would be destroyed as a fighting force. NATO Finland and Baltic would then press and threaten the Russian Motherland.

Russian Army Ukraine would be driven into Concentration Camp Ukraine, as a massive humiliation for President Vladimir Putin and as hostages to force Russia to surrender as half of it's military will be finished.

That is the framework for elect Biden 2025 AD in the year of our Lord for American elections.


If though Russia can overcome it's inherent vulnerabilities and weakenesses, and effectively counterattack, then instead of 600,000 Russian hostages in Crimea, Russia will form a Dnieper Pincer, cutting off American communications and  Russian Baltic will sweep down in hammer and surround the American 300,000.

The conclusion is the Americans would be trapped on the steppes, Donetsk probably and attempt to use the Russians in the cities as human shields.

This is the projection for American elections November, it will either be Russian hostages or American hostages as the deciding issue, if the Mideast does not check the aggression there.

The Russian hostages are designed to provide a fighting force Crimea to check Russian tactical nuclear response as they will not have "lost" and be in military jeopardy, only political jeopardy which is designed to unleash a civil war inside Russia to finish off the Federation.

We will know by end July the outcome of the Mideast, Tel Aviv victory will drive Ukraine on with a frenzy for victory and if Tel Aviv fails, it will be a driven panic to achieve victory in Ukraine.

If the Russians are caught flat they will have a political disaster. If they respond, the disaster shifts to the District of Crooks.

This is what the November elections will base on, based upon the movements East Europe and Mideast.

Nuff Said
