Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Nuclear Crematoria


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It came to me in Inspiration by the Holy Ghost, in assessing the Deagle population crash in the West in the coming 2025 AD in the year of our Lord time period that there must be something beyond Fauci flu, the vax, Bird Bug, as the human primate is proving resilient, in yes this germ warfare is killing people, shortening life and causing cripples, there simply is not the death statistics even with a major war.
Let us be frank, in the old order, is not Kaganite polluting of the world. These immortals do not want their villas and playgrounds with a radioactive glow. It will mutate life forms, kill off the animals, and yes it will grow tumors in the remnant humans who are the servant class. There must be another solution, and this projection examines this possibility in known actions.

We have certain certains. The draft is being implemented from Germany to the United States. Europeans are going to fight Russia and Americans in the Obama Shift are going to die in Asia, fighting 200 million Chinese troops.

The jury is out yet if Star Wars super weapons can nullify the Chinese in mass slaughter as that is what it will require, but one has to look at something more in this Speaker Johnson draft if only going after White People. This is a Deagle population ethnic cleansing of the Caucasions. Only this blog has postulated that there are in these hidden census numbers, an actual 500 million plus Americans, The greater share as Bidencon has relished will have White People a minority. In told numbers, there are probably only 150 Caucasians left in America. One is dealing with the last of the Baby Boomers in a number of 50 million plus of geezers and sick, who without meds or electricity will be dead in two weeks. So that leaves 100 million, probably 25 million children who are fat and worthless trolls and this other 18 to 65 draft population.

I remember someone asking me once, if you put all the people in the world into one  place, how much land would it take? You think about that for a bit before glancing down, ,and just figure how much room would it take to put 8 billion people into one nation?

The size is going to shock you when you know the ansswer, because if you put people an arm's length apart, so they have room, you could fit the entire population of the world, in a Texas size county.

8 billion people are not that many in the big world we live in. The reason I'm explaining this to you is, we are not dealing with 8 billion but 100 million people. Biden on the hoof imported 20 million without any drastic measure into America, so population movement is not that difficult.

So we are all facing a draft, that means legal by force apprehension of all White People by the police state. It will start out small in the drafting of Whites in that 18 to 35 range in males, and I suspect the females too. They will get them out of the country. More then will be needed as fear porn rises, and that is when like Ukraine they wills start culling the 16 to 75 year olds. They will take out the first group which would resist they had this figured out, and follow up with the group who will herd and would resist if they figured this out. The Lame Cherry will project that Hamrod Clinton's village will raise these children when the parents are all drafted.

So maybe these FEMA camps are not for dissidents, but more lie pedo stockyards to concentrate  children to be warehoused like Pedomart where shoppers can go and pick the victims they want.

Now the question is how does one get rid of these Caucasians efficiently, remembering that dead bodies cause plague and those behind this do not want their pretty areas radioactive. I have only done a quick flash assessment, but the map below, I have outlined in red areas of prime consideration where huge American primate yards could be built, to concentrate this fodder and make it simple for hydrogen bombs to vaporize the primates efficiently and without a disease outbreak. Fully understand that big thermonuclear bomb has a 50 mile heat zone and a kill and injury zone of 150 miles.

The areas which would answer this are the Siberian Peninsula off Alaska for easy transport. The Horn of Africa in Obama's nativity, the Arabian and Iranian peninsulas and north Australia. Most of this is either muskeg or sand, which has no real human purpose. It would be natural containment areas and in this 100 million American Caucasians could be vaporized by China and Russia and end that Lost 10 problem.

Thee elite do not want pretty areas like America stinky and dead, no more than Europe. The necessity is to build the nuclear crematoria in areas which nature will solve the clean up in a decade and perhaps be an artifact hunter's dream.

The Caucasian would be herded with logic of, "We must keep Africa safe from invasion", "We must have a landing on Russian soil", "We will defeat China through the Mideast", and, "Australia's outback is our staging location to deal with China".

Four locations 25 milliion people in each and you about have Mexico city numbers. The reality is like the Soviets, there would not be any need for medical, food, shelter, just enough water, as these concenrations have no purpose in fighting, only being culled. It would be an efficent operation, with the entire non drafted invasion vermin taking up the homes and beds of American Caucasians to fill in that void, until they becamse the next expendable group for robotics.

This is the only logiical projection on the numbers. The efficient way is thermonuclear warheads in concentration locations, to get the Lost 10 erased from their nativity and cremated in this nuclear fire in concentrated locations.

John Barbour - It's Tough To Be White (1965)

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Fire - The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown @ TOTP 1968 - YouTube

Jul 24, 2011 ... Here is a performance of Fire by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown performed in the Top of the Pops studio in 1968.
