Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Overseer and Big Mammy Kamala

Big Mammy the Plantation Princesstute

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the botched assassination of Donald Trump, not just threatening the reality of  a Joe Biden defeat, but a landslide Rebublican victory in Congress which vote theft count not surmount and the after effects the deep state could not control, Obama Inc. went into action and threatened to destroy the Biden legacy, in removing Biden immediately and all controls he had for the cover up of Butler PA.

 Former President Barack Obama threatened Joe Biden with removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution if he did not withdraw from the presidential race, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed.
Obama told Biden he had gotten the approval of Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the safeguard against presidential incapacity, Hersh wrote in a blog post on Substack.

Thee adults which had carried the Birther Hussein water for 8 years swung into actions from Nancy  Pelosi to the true deep state power behind the regime in Eric Holder, destroyer of democrats and incinerator of children at Waco.

This is the force which performed the coup which made a demand of Biden he could not refuse. Eric Holder would provide a buffer of a week to see if Kamala Harris could close the poll gap on Donald Trump as Holder was not jut vetting future Demcratic Vice Presidential nominees, but as plantation overseer, Holder was judging which VP candidate would meld best with a possible Big Mike Obama or Hilllary Clinton candidacy.

With fake polling, if Harris can not close the gap in real polling before  the convention, the scenario will be her not obtaining enough votes to secure the nomination in a first round or second round as write in's grow, until Harris graciously steps down to the "will of the people".

If this coup of Joe Biden is not complete with an installation of Big Mike or Hamrod, the known alternative is Butler II and everyone knows the national reaction to such an event, even if it dart related.

So the Democratic Party of party bosses, removed a sitting Joe Biden with subterfuge after installing Biden in snail mail vote theft 4 years ago. This was to stop an epic defeat, and now the parlaying of this transition is being measured on another step in a most undemocratic process where the mob are patsies and the party bosses install the ruler.

We will soon witness how this klusterfuck of machinations in the Marxist Obamacrats manifest in another stage theater to make the dupe into a believer.

Nuff Said
