Wednesday, July 24, 2024

the real power


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This caught my attention, after a tourist noted, what this blog has reported months before this.

Jacob Rothschild died.  Klaus Schwab has announced his retirement.  Soros has handed the reins to his youngest son Alex whose education is a BA in History.  And 145 countries voted FOR Palestine against Israel and the US

The tourist failed to note that someone had Harry and Meg stress out Gram and Gramps so much it killed them. Someone injected Charles and Kate with the cancer weapon.........

Someone has been realigning the order and no one is doing a thing about it. Fascinating isn't it, in someone is so adept at all of this, that the major players just roll their ass over and take the broom up he butt.

This is what the popular girl has been informing you of and you will note that no one is telling you who is that real power, save this poor orphan girl.

Nuff Sai
