Monday, July 8, 2024

The Supreme Court Puts January 6th to Bed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Save, for the government paid bad actors on January 6th, this blog stated from the start that what took place on Jan6 was coerced trespassing.  The Supreme Court Black Robes affirmed this.

Turley - SCOTUS ‘Downgraded’ Jan 6 To ‘Trespassing’

When people were invited by Donald Trump, when the police invited people into the Capitol, when government agents were breaking open doors, that is coercion and not trespassing. People thus plead, convicted will have their felonies removed which is right. This was a traffic violation and it is past time that this is moved past as a political weapon, and the agency group who was behind the DC Piper, needs to unclench their colon and relax to a nice retirement as Hezbollah is here, the Chinese PLA is here, Russia is on our shores, and Mexicans will eat us after they rape us.

It is time to focus on real dangers.

............and not be suckered out by these bad actors to make you a people of interest again.

Nuff Said
