Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Trump Schism of Hillbilly Nazism

der Kampf wird wiedergeboren

Republican Platform Betrays Gun Owners - Firearms News

5 days ago ... Naturally, these pro-gun voters are overwhelmingly likely to do so by voting Republican. After all, Republicans constantly campaign that they're ...

GOP adopts platform that softens language on abortion, same-sex ...

Jul 8, 2024 ... The draft was circulated Monday among members of the 2024 Republican convention platform committee. It will be discussed and voted on later ...

Republicans Remove 'Right to Life' Plank From Party Platform

Jul 8, 2024 ... The 2024 Republican platform softens the language of previous GOP platforms and emphasizes the role of states in protecting life.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you recall, Donald Trump gutted the RNC of delegates and replaced them with his appointments. At the RNC platform vote which had a few dissenters. The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan is gone. This is the Trump jr. party of the Trump Sphere which took the Second Amendment out, is now pro aborticide and is pro sodomite marriage.

Scott Ritter made the valid point that we should be voting for the candidate on one issue and that is the nuclear issue in war. He stated that all votes would be wasted if they were not for Trump. What the JD Vance position on the ticket is the Borrman projection in the Meisterkrieg do not want a radioactive Europe. So there will not be a nuclear exchange for some time in Europe under the Borrman kampf. For those speed readers who are wondering what the hell I'm talking about with these German terms, get your heads out of your asses, as I have explained that the Nazi gold was used after the war to set up the Reich economic conglomerates on a global scale to direct policy with full American support. Most of it was infused into America, and most of it was already infused with Warburg who was running the Treasury (Germany and America) and Bush fam were bag men.

The Jews are low brow front men for this and take the heat in not being that intelligent of a herd. All of these faggot billionaire hedgefunders were set up by Karl Rove to direct cash and to siphon cash by Obama directly into Wall Street so DC became the majority shareholder in all corporations. That is what Black  Rock is. The foundation of all of this is the Borrman financial group.

Yes there are other nefarious parties in the Normans of London, but what is running this show with the BBC thinking their reporter exposing the Secret Service left Bulter open to festive exchanges of gunfire to unsettle voters more, is just part of this dismantling of America.

Donald Trump will be installed to the office  by the Borrmans. This junior choice is their hedgefund proxy dupe who hates the Tea Party and MAGA. This is Bush fam on the ticket and he got there by being the offer that Deserter Don could not refuse with a whizzing bullet orchestra.

With that background, as I will not repeat the lesson, the Lame Cherry weighs again, answering to God. Is my life being saved from nuclear bombs, worth more than God's Law and the lives of aborted babies, molested children in sodomite pedo homes, and the ending of the Constitution with the Second Amendment? No it is not as I answer to God.

I know that Robert Kennedy is not going to start a war with Russia. We know what the Trump Reich will be directed to do in starting a war of diverting Whites to China to get the resistance out of America for what will be done We know that Dictator Biden is not going to be allowed to win, as much as if he did win, Kamala Harris has no staying power and would be removed by Obama Inc in another coup.

Weighing those realities, that the Don's shelf life is short until the election results and then Borrman jr. will be viable to implement all, the best option to save America, to save Donald Trump from expiration date, and  to save the Republican Party which was just wiped out by Trump delegates, is to not vote for Donald Trump and this ticket. It will be installed, but with the much hated Tea Party and MAGA group already as a political group, looking to itself again, it will be the throttle and governor so that all of this Trump schism turning the GOP into full Democrat, will not prevail. What this is politically is the WILDERNESS YEARS OF BARRY GOLDWATER AND RONALD REAGAN again forming as a bullwark to thwart the Rockefeller Bush GOPliters who were all national socialist Bormann proxies.

I am a William McKinley, Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan Republican. I will not support nor vote for this schism of GOPliters who have hijacked the Republican Party. I will not support the modern Himmler forced labor trade, Speer industrial group, Borrman hedgefunders nor Goebbels media which now have overthrown the United States.

Donald Trump saved himself again as on Jan6 after Butler and then dismantled the Reagan Platform of what is Republican. To save Donald Trump, he must not be voted for along with this Borrman proxy. Make this election fraud structure have to work hard to steal this election to install Donald Trump to slow it down.

ABSOLUTELY NO VIOLENCE. Educate yourselves on what this Trump ticket is. Start asking the Trump zealots if they know the Second Amendment was taken out, and soft abortion and pro sodomy was put in? Ask if they think if JD Vance who hates the Tea Party and MAGA, hated Donald Trump until the political Obama winds shifted, funded by sodomite globalists hedgefunders is going to be supportive of Americans or those who own him. Make them answer, and when they retreat to their Trump vote, tell them they will own when Berlin Obama White takes control in this Hillbilly Nazi.

This election is exactly as this popular girl turned poor orphan stated, an unacceptable choice between Obama Marxism and Trump Nazism. Communists and Socialists who hate both the American Right and American Left.

If I die from nuclear war, it is better than to face rejection by Christ for voting for the murder and molestation of children. I have but one life to give to God and Country, but I will not sacrifice millions of children for that one life.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said

