Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Ziongelical Worship of Tel Aviv


These Ziongelicals are my disciples. I'm Bibi the Baptist.
I baptize the world with American weapons and blood so I can hand the 
keys to Jerusalem to my messiah, Yeshua Flash Bang.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It required a few years to end the like that the Nazi was a right wing group, but the Lame Cherry prevailed by God's Grace, because a Nazi is a National Socialist and socialists are ALL LEFTISTS.

There is another reality which is beginning to be learned in this idol worship of Jews is that Jews are not at all the children of Judah, but are a group of Asian people who converted to Babylonian Jewry.

The Lame Cherry will run through the lineage again for those who are new to this and to refresh the memories of those who know this, as America is held hostage by this idol worship of Jews, as these Ziongelicals like Speaker Mike Johnson think by favoring a Jew they will gain favor with God.

Let us go back to Noah as this is where this all began.

Noah had 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Each son with their wives produced a race. Basically you can think of this as Shem produced the modern western peoples, Ham the Africans and Japheth the Asians. That is the simple form of this to help beginners understand.

Shem had in his lineage a son named Eber. You will notice in what follows how names have become slurred by other languages. The Eberites became knows as the sons of Eber and in Egypt the name Eber became Hebrew, a group of Caucasians, with red, blonde and brunette hair, and having green,brown and blue eyes, as Jacob had married two sisters and their two concubines.If you want to know what Joseph looks like, just look in the mirror and at Americans, as they are his descendants. 

The name Semite is Shemite really. It names the children of Noah from Shem. Americans, Anglo Saxons, Scandinavians, Western Europeans, French, Persians, Arabians are all Shemites.
Hamites are Negroid, southern Indians. 
Japheth's children are Russians, Slavics and a son called Ashkenaz.  Ashkenaz grouped in what is Ukraine. Those people converted to Jewry and this became the modern "Jew" who are these distinct people as the children of Judah, almost completely converted to Jesus arrival as their Messiah, and those which were left were mostly obliterated by Rome in the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD, a God retribution for the framing and murder of Christ.

So when you read the quote from the Times of Israel below, this was a shock to Tel Aviv's regime, and almost immediately they formed a plan to overthrow Ukraine to gain access to that land in thinking it was their's like they thought the Holy Land was theirs, even though people lived there.

That is why Kiev has a Jew in Zellinskyy in control and this cleansing war against Slavs in Ukraine which was set up by the Ashkenaz, Victoria Nuland in these Ashkenaz Kaganite Marxists who have overthrown American policy.

The Jews you see presented as Jews are not Semite in the least. So it is impossible to label them as victims of anti semitism. The hatred of Syrians or Persians is in fact anti Semite. The generational blaming of Germans who are Assyrian by lineage and therefore, for all the sins of the world, are Semite. That is the irony in this. According to the standard and lunacy of what is anti semitism, it is legally a crime to come out against the Nazi, because the Nazi were all Semites.

People can be anti Ashkenaz in what is modern Jewry, but they can not be anti Semite as it is the wrong lineage.

Professor Jim Wald notes in The Times of Israel:

“The surprising turn of events had an even more surprising origin: Genetics, a field in which Israeli scholars have long excelled.

“It is well known that sometime in the eighth and ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has become a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.

“During the U.N. debate over Palestine’s partition, Chaim Weizman responded... ‘It is very strange. All my life I have been a Jew, felt like a Jew, and I now learn that I am a Khazar.’”

I honestly do not understand how this is a surprise to people. The Bible explains all of this. It was common knowledge and was taught to the 1900's, that British Israelism was a reality, meaning they are the descendants of Israel. You have heard of the Anglo Saxon, the Saxon means SONS OF ISAAC literally. You have heared of Aryan? Aryan is a shortening of the word SamARIAN, which is the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. Modern Germans are not Aryans but Assyrians. Americans, British, Scots, Celts, Scandinavians, Dutch, French are all Aryans. That is nothing racist or superior, it simply is a national name and a people who God made responsible to bring the Gospel of Love in Salvation to the world.

The people who are in "the state of Tel Aviv" have absolutely no genetic right to that land. For the fact, the area of Bashan and Gilead is AMERICAN land. That is where you came from and were exiled by God and it will be where you did not come from.

The worship of these Ashkenaz and any people is going to get these Ziongelicals in hell as worshiping a race of flawed humans does nothing to make up for your absolute flaws.

American denying Jesus for the worship of Jewry does so at it's complete peril.

Nuff Said
