Sunday, July 14, 2024

Will the Real Thomas Crooks Please Stand Up.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is attempting to not allow you to be swept away by propaganda in providing evidence. Before this video is erased from 4 Chan, this was posted concerning Thomas Crooks. If this is him, I feel for his family as he apparently was a gifted math and science student who won a 500 dollar reward from Black Rock, in the hedgefunds who ruined all of our lives.

Big Mike Obama and Jill Biden dumped money into this program, along with Bill and Melinda Gates out of Texas.

In the video below, it appears that Crooks has approached some Republican students with a display set up, and screams about slashing Donald Trump's throat, slashing Republican throats and death to fascists, along with a "suck my fucking balls".

(I would suggest to save this video if this is Thomas Crooks, before it disappears, concerning the CIA MI6 narrative that he was a Republican.)

This person is not a monster as the former First Lady condemned him. This is a product of the continuous brain shock conditioning which originated under Obama Inc. and people are just short circuited.

As there are horrid illustrations about the shooting area, the Lame Cherry created the one below. The roof which the shooter fired from was AGR International Inc in the area of the Butler Farm Show Grounds.

The reason this disturbed individual was able to access this area, is because it was left wide open. That is the point to not forget in this episode, the door was left open like in Dallas 63.

Nuff Said
