Friday, August 23, 2024

A Stink and a Baldness

A month ago I was 22 years old, Miss Hooters and not wearing
a prop from the theater as everything else burned up when the bombs hit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I'm healing up from a severe welding burn, I'm discovering that deep burns do not heal up in days as other things with me. It is past a week now and I'm still not in the greatest of shape on my legs.
I would add that when you get your radiation burns, expect the same situation with a yellow serum seep out of your skin which was my bracelet on my ankles for days as the swelling seeped out of the body protecting itself from this burn.

As it is now Day 8, the worst of the pain is finished in stabbing stinging pain, and my skin feels like dry paper even with aloe and the itch has started, but I'm not scratching as I need the dead skin on as long as possible for healing.

I will add that for a few days I was really tense as the discomfort from the pain and swelling would not let me rest.

Your future radiation burns.

The Bible verse the Holy Ghost provided on June 24th amused me as I read it for the first time like it was God talking about radiation burns.

Isaiah 3:24 - Bible Gateway

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and ...

Sounds like it does it not. Once it happpened in the Northern Kingdom where our ancestors were in the Lost 10 and it is coming again, and this time it will be radiation burns from nuclear war and whatever other rotting vax and germ bombs they have to end life.

Hair falling out, rotting flesh and you can't wear cloths as your skin is so raw.

Nuff Said
