Saturday, August 24, 2024

Anchors in Butler


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

In a world where I do not trust anyone or anything, I have come across two Republicans who are anchors as Patriotic Americans, when it comes to Butler PA. The first is Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana and the second if Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona. Higgins is law enforcement and Crane is a military sniper.They have gotten to a great deal of what Americans have been disturbed by in the explanations coming out of Washington DC are not matching what we all have heard, seen and known.

In another video Rep. Crane posted, he shows us the view of the windows which snipers were stationed. What he  has presented  proves that no one cold have gotten onto that roof and not be seen if law enforcement were where they should have been or doing their job.

The Lame Cherry will explain something as this "excuse" has come up in minor parts.  In hunting or in secuirty, you are at a place where you are not supposed to move from. The last thing a group of deer hunters needs is some hunter, getting out of their stand, stomping around in the woods and being mistaken for a deer and someone shooting the tard.

Sniper and cops have the same protocols. When you are at a station, YOU STAY THERE. You do not leave your post, do not run around on a roof, as that is your responsibility to hold that position secure, like a soldier does in the military.

That is what took place according to PA sniper reports in a sniper saw Tom Crooks, who was moving. He lost track of him, reported him moving and then left his window to try and track him. This is when Crooks crossed an open area, climbed on an AC unit and then ran to his sniper position he had scouted before.

This was not kosher.

Meet you on the other side.


I'm convinced there was more than one shooter. The location which Rep. Crane is standing is where it is stated that Tom Crooks was put down. If you look at the roof in what the Lame Cherry has presented, he is at the point of the ducts which are midway on the roof. That is the 20 ridge location where the "Running Crooks" is seen early in the Trump speech and John Cullen shows a bullet blows his brains out and this person never fires a shot.
The shots in fact occur minutes later in the Trump speech.

Those shots are the "Crawler Crooks" who is the one the sniper is trying to locate. We have video of this person running along the roof, then crawling up the roof at Ridge 7 location.

As the FBI had hosed down this roof in less than 24 hours, no Republican would have ever been aware and no one, no one, no one has ever explained the ridge 7 and ridge 20 locations as 7 is lined up with the connecting framework attaching the buildings and 20 is by the ducts on the side of the building.

Again, Rep. Crane is by the ducts. This is where the blood trail was. No one is explaining ridge 7 and who was shot there.

At this moment I cling to Mr. Higgins and Mr Crane as they are examining information and examining the data which is not adding up.

I will never let go of the John Cullen video of the left bleachers which shows a bullet moving along the back side of the bleachers, and one can clearly see this bullet making people cringe from right to left which is absolutely impossible in Crooks is on the other side, and that bullet has to come from locations where Butler county tactical command was headquartered and they would not have any reason to be shooting into the crowd.

The Lame Cherry is unwilling to breach DARPA stealth suits and AI manipulation of video, although it has occurred to me as there are things not adding up which can not add up, when Republicans who are engaged in the right measures are investigating this Butler situation with not a hint of a Jan6 committee subterfuge or a Warren Commission fabrication report.

We need anchors and at the moment, this is Eli Crane and Clay Huggins in a most dangerous investigaton.

Nuff Said
