Saturday, August 24, 2024

Never Listen to a Prepper

Another example of why the always experts should never be listened to.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reason for this posting is I came across more prepper nonsense about the 5 guns you should own. More to the point, these are the 5 guns you should not own as a prepper has told you to get them.

Dude features a Wilson combat shotgun among the advice of getting a shotgun without any suggestions.

He goes onto the horrid AR 15.

Then a full size semi automatic pistol.

A long range rifle.

Pistol or rifle in 22.

Then adds a Russian rifle and a 380 for concealed carry.

The above reveals one reality about preppers and that is they all think they are going to be killing people. No, most of you are not going to be killing people ever. What you need is to hide so you do not have to get into confrontations as the remarkable reality about dead people is they bleed, they stink, they attract attention and you have to work your ass off burying them.

What you need is to look at firearms as they are intended and that is as TOOLS not weapons.

I have featured the short barreled Turkish made Panther we picked up for 187 bucks. Smooth barrel, with sights, in a basic Remington design, this is a pump shotgun for food acquiring and security.

For those who want another versatile tool, the 22 rifle is something which will acquire allot of food of all sizes and it will protect well enough.

You do not want a large caliber semi auto, because you are not skilled. Semi autos JAM at the worst times. You can't hit shit with pistol, they  are loud on your ears, so if you must play and have the funds, get a 38 and a cowboy lever action in the same 38 and then you just have one kind of cartridge to acquire and not these myriads of 12 gauge, 20 gauge. 45 ACP, 223, 7.62 Nagant, 30.06 and whatever other nonsense is out there taking your money in volumes.

I highly recommend a book which is probably free online by Brad Angier and Townsend Whelen called ON YOUR OWN IN THE WILDERNESS. There is no wilderness in America, only your backyard, but Whelen gives sound advice on a number of subjects.
He does mention a big game rifle,but let us face it, most of you are not going to be around large animals, and the reality is allot of people are going to be dead, so you will find something in their closet to pick up. The military will be if you want an AR 15 which stands for Automatic  Rifle 15, the military will be dead and you can get the shitty military version called the M 16.

What I desire to repeat here is Whelen's story which sums up all of this. The Steven's gun company which made cheap guns, sent Whelen a single shot shotgun with this note:


Do not think I am presenting you with some valuable item. I will though think you will find that this 17 dollar single shot shotgun will perform like a 5000 dollar shotgun in hitting what you aim and and harvesting game.

Whelen carried this shotgun with him often camping and ended the story with "And I"ll be darned if the guy wasn't right".

The moral of the story is a non glamorous tool will perform like a glam firearm. A Toyota gets a terrorist to the battle just as efficiently as a 3 million dollar Hummer.

The lessons in this is to stop listening to preppers. I have found too many are British in England and Australia, telling Americans how to survive in their scams.

Most of you have something your grandparents have and that is all you are ever going to need. I happen to like guns so I have more than I need, as I convince myself of niche places. I DO NOT HAVE ANY AR 15's nor combat shotguns. They are worthless as tools to survive with.

Oh and do not write to the preppers, not post comments as the FBI tracks you and worse yet, you get put on mailing lists in which you are profited off of.

Nuff Said
