Sunday, August 4, 2024

Blind Spot Butler


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I continue to study the events  of Butler PA, I'm convinced by the coordination, the same in the DC Piper, that there was too much insider knowledge from the coordination of shooters firing at a Trump phrase, to what will be examined below in Thomas Crooks, was too versed in "blind spots" which is not what he would have learned on a video game, sniper tales as Carlos Hathcock or is thought of by a math major with a Black Rock video to his credit.

I'm going to fill in some hole in the information which has been out there to help people understand. I featured the fence below and gate in how bad the security was from the Trump location to private property.

You can find other videos of cops ramming the fence to take it down, to cops throwing gates out of the way, as I wondered what was going in some of the aftermath video footage, but this gate is exactly as it was before the shooting. It was horridly insecure, and the big shade tree which you see there is one of thee most insecure vantage points in this entire area.

Most of you have seen the photo of Crooks from behind. This was taken by Gregory Nicol, Police Sniper, as he was leaving his shift at the sniper building. He takes the photo, texts it to his superiors in stating this guy is sitting there, has followed in on their entry point, and is parked by the police.

Nicols expects there to be a follow up, but it appears the police can not find Crooks. In looking at how tight all of this is, in the building, the parking lot and it seems an employee was routing people off their property as it was private, Crooks was not disappearing. The Lame Cherry has reached a conclusion in what this guy was and where he was, and this part has to be understood, in Crooks had too much knowledge of this area to have shown up hours before. He had to have had inside information, he had to have had assistance in what to do, as that photo of him on the wall is far too confident. He is focused and is certain he is there and should be there.

The below video has a number of points and is worth the watch.

One of the screen grabs from the video is below.  You will see 3 red ovals. The top left is where Crooks was. The bottom left is the location he was photographed. The large circle is shows 3 Juniper bushes and while Director Wray has stated the FBI conclusion is Crooks crawled onto an AC unit, then used piping to access the roof mechanically,  the problem is  that this is where the PA snipers were stationed in 3 windows. They did leave their position to try and locate Crooks, but when you are going to shoot someone, you do not play decoy to draw the police off or parade in front of them crawling on a roof.

I believe  Crooks accessed the roof by the Junipers. I will project further in this is why no one saw Crooks with his folding stock gun as Director Wray told Congress, as HONESTLY you can not hide an AR 15 with a folding stock in a backpack or under your cargo shorts. If you get stopped by the police who were wandering around there, you just can not explain an AR 15 in your backpack.

For that reason, Crooks prepositioned the rifle he was said to be firing the day before at a range, either on that short roof or in the Juniper bushes.
Further progression in this, is when Crooks was vanishing, that is where he was. He was lurking in the screen of those bushes. He was hiding in the venue, and again, this is one of several blind spots which Crooks utilized in those hours, and those locations would require someone telling him the Secret Service had handed off the security of that roof to PA Swat and that PA Swat was going to be inside the windows with more blind spots, than out on the roof where they should have been, and in a number of other locations in the rear, to which Crooks was interested in, in flying his drone over that area behind him.

The schooled sniper is one who goes through a wide array of training. Being able to make shots with huge distractions from people bumping you to being surprised. Location of the sniper hide is vital, as much as retreat routes. This is not just something you get in a video game or in a book. A sniper requires those elements, but requires inside information of the location of the target and even more the security which is patrolling and the counter snipers.

In the screen grab below one can see in the red and green arrows SS Sniper Team North and SS Sniper Team South. North team could not see Crooks as the large tree created a blind spot. South team was looking south, toward the area of the Lodge and other locations which one report stated a witness reported a shot came from a home roof.
 What we do know, and I will repost the 2nd shooter video again as you can see this now by the below photo, that the stands in the video are at an angle toward the FOX NEWS logo in their reaction to being shot from that angle. There were stands in this area of the concessions building, and two of the people in the stands look at a sound coming from in front of Donald Trump where two derricks were located.
The derrick which is holding up the billboard which Donald Trump points to, is at this location, and apparently a hydraulic hose is hit and you can see the spray. That shot appears not to be coming from Crooks location, anymore than the person who was shot in the left stands and crumples as the crowd cringes in the below video, is hit from Crooks position. The man in white is shot from behind.

Crooks in the photo above can be seen from the West, which is to the right, as there is a slight rise. He pays zero attention to the people there in this non blind spot nor is concerned about police. His focus is crawling up the roof and stopping before the ridge so that he is hidden from Sniper Team South. He knows North is blocked from seeing him, and he knows if he stays below the ridge, that even if South was alerted they could do nothing about him, because it is a BLIND SPOT.

In this, the long building which is extending off Crooks position is also where the 3 windows were the PA Swat was located. PA Swat could not see Crooks position as it is a blind spot. This 2 year college graduate, going to attend college in a few months for his degree, is someone who apparently was a savant in finding the one blind spot to all law enforcement locations. This kind of ability is created through education, location study and intelligence on security. Crooks just did not find this location by chance and he did not construct this on his own. He had someone shepherding this as it all looks easy now, but a sniper has to study every aspect including weather, time of day in sun direction, wind and how to gain position and leave position, and Crooks had it all..........except what the person shepherding him left out in how to extricate. Meaning this was set up as Crooks as a dupe to die there.

As Director Wray is not explaining anything, Crooks could have just as easily thought he was thwarting an assassination attempt, fired off blanks, thought he was a hero, stuck his head up to see if Trump was safe and then got popped by Team South.

If you listen to the 3 shots, the 5 shots, which probably are Crooks as you can hear the metallic clack of an AR 15, it is a very long gap before the one pop from Team South puts him down with a head shot which blows a piece of hair off.

I'm going to return you to Lee Oswald. Did he stand around looking out the window after he discovered the rifle? He fled. So why would Crooks, after all his effort about blind spots, get his shots off, 3 quick and then 5 spray, poke his head up to see what was going on, as his position was being closed on by cops and Team South would be aligning fire on that position?
He should have been back crawling out of that location, to less exposure, and off that roof, to escape, so he could show up for work the next day as he promised.

That lapse could indicate that Crooks was admiring his heroic part, ,because if he was intent on doing more damage to the Trump location, he would have been spraying more bullets into that location and been shot by Team South while firing, not observing.

Thomas Crooks did not have the knowledge base or experience to choose that location. An open sighted rifle is not what one choses when you are a genius at picking blind spots in federal police state security deployments.

Everything indicates there were other shooters and that an  outside source  had inside information who guided Crooks to that location and Crooks was never meant to come out of that location alive.

This goes to the two other cell phones. The one which went silent the day before and the first phone which was tracked to Chinatown DC at an FBI office location. In projecting the above, phone 2 was scouting this location and females eyes outside the perimeter and phone 1 was the mentor who picked the location.

Odds are that phone 2 female was probably recorded as a great deal of cell phones were out filming in a number of locations. We simply do not yet know who to look for, unlike Crooks in his cargo shorts.

Those behind this will get away with this, because they already have, and people are deluged with other events and have moved on past Butler PA.

Nuff Said


Two Shooters by Angle