Friday, August 16, 2024

Bringing Babies to Assassinations


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If I saw this on a comedy routine, it would not be funny, as no one would believe it, after Donald Trump was almost assassinated, an innocent American was murdered and others were shot in a horrific criminal negligence by the Secret Service. Yet, in North Carolina, a female secret service agent disappeared from her post, only later to be discovered in an emergency area, set aside for emergencies, like an assassination. The female agent though was there with "a person from the staff event", another family member, and a baby she was breast feeding.

The Lame Cherry will make the point that assassinations occur at events the Secret Service is at. They are dangerous, and while there are rules by the Secret Service that you can not bring your children to places that bombs and bullets go off, it should be common sense that you do not bring your children to places like a war. After Butler, this agent somehow missed all of these points.

Thursday on the social media platform X, political correspondent Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics reported that an unnamed female Secret Service agent assigned to former President Donald Trump’s rally in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday “abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent.”

“The agent and her family members bypassed the Uniformed Division checkpoint and were escorted by an unpinned event staff into the room to breastfeed, the sources said. Unpinned means they have not been cleared by the Secret Service to be there,” Crabtree wrote.

The Lame Cherry radar is up in this, as I always frown when I get statements like "family members" and then "event staff", not being in detail. In this trans era, this translates to me, this was a lezbo family, and they found a fellow sister lesbian as Trump wrote them into the RNC platform, and priorities took place as lesbians get a pass and do not have to follow rules. No one but women would ever pull shit like this, so this was 3 women in the boob posse and hating all men, they were going to do what they wanted to do as that was their choice and it was  their bodies.

For starters, this agent should be fired. The event staff should be charged for endangering a public official. None of this is going to happen, but this is what America is from Lord Austin's Pentagon, to the FBI to every politician. They have zero sense, they  are a danger to themselves and the world.

Oh and this agent and her "family" member should be charged with endangering a child.

When the foes of America come, they are going to go like shit through a goose through this woke primate group as they are nothing but Darwins. Donald Trump and that goes for whoever is of the democrats, needs to go through their agents and get rid of anyone they do not want, and hire supplemental people who are not going to whipping milk laden tits at work.

Nuff Said

Simon & Garfunkel - Baby Driver (Audio) - YouTube

Jul 21, 2017 ... Baby Driver” by Simon & Garfunkel Listen to Simon & Garfunkel: Subscribe to the official Simon ...
