Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dead Bodies in PA on the Roof all Night

Butler County Coroner William F. Young III 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has empathy for the people of Pennsylvania who had the Butler County assassination dumped on them as these people were never intended for the bright lights and they were unprepared for what took place and the fall out from it.

It is of interest though in the glaring holes which appeared, and one is the case of the Coroner whose responsibility was to deal with the dead bodies.

The Coroner was William Young, a Class 4 which I could not find out what that meant in internet searches as PA ranks it's coroners. In  two reports, one from Gayway Pundit, we get details and a bit of conflict in media information.

Apparently Mr. Young is a Republican, but did not attend the event, as he had other pressing matters to attend to. He was though on the scene after midnight to begin his responsibilities. Here is what is lost in the below quotes. The Coroner NEVER examined the dead body on the roof. It only states he examined THE VICTIM SHOT AT THE RALLY. This is the Fire Chief, whose body apparently had not been removed from the scene and was either on the bleachers yet or in a barn.

I realize this sounds ghastly, but most of you have never had to deal with the coroner. I will provide a personal example from the Brier. When my dad died, the mother just called the mortician, they came out, called the coroner, listed the heart meds my dad took and hauled him away.
When the mother died, I called the mortician, but then was told civilization had come to the Brier in the coroner had to be on scene. So the mortician called the coroner who is 50 miles away, the deputy Sheriff was 50 miles away in another direction. It was a cold ass windy day and the mother died in our driveway by the road and I was not going to leave her there to be gawked at, or explaing to nosy people what a dead person was doing there, so TL and I loaded her in the cab of the pick up. When the coroner arrived I explained what happened as I had no idea I was not supposed to remove a body. He just nodded, noted it and moved on. It was traumatic and one can imagine what it was lie for the Fire Cheif's family in being part of EMT and dealing with leaving their loved on laying there, even if he was in a barn for over 6 hours.

So the Coroner in PA examines the Fire Chief, and releases the body for someone else to do the autopsy on. He then comes back the next morning at dawn with a deputy, gets on the roof where Thomas Crooks has been laying all night. Coroners have their cell phones, they take pictures of the body, crime scene, photos of wounds, and then somewhere in this the body is supposed to be removed by the coroners  office.

What no one realizes in this is who had custody over that body for 12 hours? Did they just leave it there so the raccoons could gnaw on it or the birds to peck at it? This is not the coroners responsibility as I would believe that he was told that the crime scene had not been released by the FBI and he was kept off that roof which would be a violation of PA law, but what the hell would any of us know if the FBI shows up and tells us something like that, and we would all comply as who knows what the laws are as it is not like we have Lee Oswald laid out in our building to give us experience.

First, according to a July 17, 2024, article in the Butler Eagle newspaper by Eddie Trizzino, “the Butler County Coroner William F. Young III, was unable to attend the campaign rally for former President Trump on Saturday July 13, because of other engagements, but he found himself at the Butler Farm Show grounds after midnight Sunday to examine the victim who was shot at the rally.” The article points out that “the coroner and another deputy later returned after 6a.m. to the American Glass Research (AGR) International building, where he climbed onto its roof to confirm the death of Thomas Matthew Crooks.”

Butler County Coroner William F. Young III was unable to attend the campaign rally for former President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, because of other engagements, but he found himself at the Butler Farm Show grounds after midnight Sunday to examine the victim who was shot at the rally.

Young and a deputy coroner confirmed the death of Buffalo Township’s Corey Comperatore early Sunday morning and sent his body to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner to complete the autopsy.

The coroner and another deputy later returned after 6 a.m. to the American Glass Research (AGR) International building, where he climbed onto its roof to confirm the death of Thomas Matthew Crooks,

So the PA Coroner is being hounded like the few reporters on this are asking questions as the last thing Young wants is to be answering questions for the fringe media and having strange people calling him up or saying he is part of some conspiracy. You have to understand from the videos which were released in PA is pretty much a German state yet. They are a somber, talkative people, who all know each other and that entire state knows there were more than one shooter present and no one wants to become a silenced statistic for opening up their mouth or being the next cause celeb plastered all over the media having their lives ruined. They did their job, now word is out in that Shapiro state to shut things down as someone wants to a VP pick and this is the litmus test in shutting down information the way Texas shut down November 1963.

So things are odd and things seemed ghastly in leaving dead bodies lay around,  but the locals did their job in an impossible spotlight. If we ever get the legitimate autopsy photos and bullet wounds, there are going to be reams of examinations of people who really are not that bright or are funded by the government to say stupid things.

I have empathy or the silence of PA officials who do not want to be destroyed by this. What is telling to me is the silence of the Mockingbird media across the board in not one reporter is asking a question nor are outlets reporting any information like autopsy results. I have noticed that Trumpland is silent on this as much as the DIA,  except for their squawking about NSA things. Donald Trump in his Peter Thiel connections knows who was behind this, and they are not saying a word as the reality is the response will be taken if the DIA can install Trump back into 1600 Penn for the advent of Don Coin to save us all so we will not have to vote again.

It is what it is.

I was kind of hoping one of those big Hopi thunderbirds would appear 
in Pennsylvania that night and carry that body and evidence away.
No such luck though.

The Legend of the Thunderbird - Pennsylvania Wilds

Dec 9, 2019 ... In more recent times, Thunderbirds have been spotted in Clinton County. In the summer of 2010, a “large bird with a very long beak” was seen ...

Nuff Said
