Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ursula in the Trump know


Go fuck yourself in the pie hole you faggot.
Yeah. I'm Matt and I vote Trump!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Here is something for all of you who aspire to Donald Trump turding in the White House, his face on Mount Rushmore and hanging every liberal.

This is no shit. You remember that Donald Trump had a set or sit down with his new best friend, Elon Musk.with 1 billion viewers. To this CNN tried to get that shemale spokesgender at Bidencon questioned to nuke Twitter or some kind of KGB shut down.

Elon was not alone being popular with Donald Trump, as a Frenchman, of the European Dictatorship issued a mandate that sounds like it came from a faggot, Tierry Breton, as some kind of propaganda Nazi.

To this the head of the European dicatorship is a skirt name Greta van Derlion or something, who said, "This French faggot does not speak for the European Union".

Read that last line again.

The European leadership is scared shitless in eating their own faggots.

Now why would they be scared shitless?

Because they have read the polls and they know that Donald Trump is going to be in the White House come January 25 after someone tried to ear pierce him out of the job.

You now know that European dictators will toss faggots under the bus to save their asses.

Now you know what the Europeans know, the Meisterkrieg are going to put their man into 1600 Penn again.

Now you can all rest assured.

Nuff Said

EU takes shot at Musk over Trump interview — and misses

10 hours ago ... BRUSSELS — The European Union's top digital enforcer tried to take on Elon Musk. Within hours, he faced accusations of meddling in American ...
