Thursday, August 15, 2024

FUCK Kamala 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You have all heard of the anti Christ, well the democratic party, now that it euthanized Dictator Joe Biden, has discovered that no one likes Kamala Harris after weeks of Karl Rove momentum propaganda for Harris, which was as big a bust as the vomit inducing magazine covers of Michelle Obama as a beautiful woman............that we are all about to be mind slapped with a new version of Kamala Harris in the ANTI KAMALA in Operation FUCK KAMALA, to fully urgently change Kamala.

Axios broke the revelation that Kamala Harris will now become the opposite of herself. No one quite knows how far this will go as she has gone from Indian to Caucasian and has begun stealing Donald Trump's campaign promises, but the apparent big curtain lift in the Neo Kamala will happen in North Carolina where she unveils her Kamala Economy..........after she hears what Donald Trump's Economic Package will be.

I just do not know if Kamala will start with things like closing her whorish legs, closing the open borders and closing ranks with the most beautiful woman in DC in AOC saying that the Secret Service trying to assassinate Donald Trump was a bad thing, but in pondering all of this, there just might be something interesting in how Obama Kamala will go. After all she is an Obama protege, a birther like him in not natural born and Obama took foreign student aid, and Obama transformed from a Black Libration Marxist into a Folksy Lipstick Pig Jig, until he looted the government for his cronies like a 3rd world African dictator.
It simply will be interesting how White Kamala Harris will go to try and con people to vote for her.

I found a non Axios love site on Wiki which explained the things PRO Harris loves to get an idea where Kamala Harris is going to FUCK in becoming Anti Kamala in the new version of herself. This is a summary.

She wants White People ruled by minorities.

She wants no punishment for murderers.

She wants ethnic mobs burning down cities.

She wants everyone stoned.

She wants to leave aborted babies to die outside the womb.

She wants to throw parents into jail for having stupid children.

She wants foreigners to vote in elections for her.

She wants guns in the hands of criminals.

She wants more invaders.

She wants the internet censored.

She wants sex deviants protected and prostitution promoted

She wants rationed death for everyone.

She wants higher taxes.

She wants nuclear war with Russia

She wants Muslim money and Jews to nuke Muslims after they give her money.

Harris thinks that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to the world, and then the weather comes in second.

What the Lame Cherry does not understand in Anti Kamala is no one liked her doing what she liked, but that was the only way she could steal an election, how is she going to steal an election, when she is throwing away all the crooked woke globalists to become Anti Kamala? 

I just do not see how Kamala Harris, getting orange hair and skin, and becoming Donald Trump is going to woo voters. Is she going to get a penis like Big Mike Obama to be a man like Trump and do other man things?  I just figure that Kamala Harris is going to fall flat on her back again, this time without having sex and being awarded a new position. 

Kamala Harris is from a long line of Marxists. Like all Marxists she is not a Marxist, just a political opportunist who found ways to screw other people out of things they had. The way I view all of this Kamala Emhoff, as that is her name as she married an Ashenaz Jew who cheated on his wife by knocking up the maid, is Kamala Emhoff had one thing going for her is no one but AI got to see her at her empty rallies. The worst thing Harris can do is start showing people who she is, as she is like Big Mike Obama and Hillary Clinton, the more people see these women, the more repulsed they are.

Seriously, have you listened to this woman for any length of time? She sounds like she has semen boogers up her nose, whines like a nagging school teacher and spews mouth porn in what she says is not worth hearing. Honest to God she sounds like a high school phy ed teacher at a pep rally trying to get the crowd excited  about the fat girls in the pep squad before a gymnastics meet.

You just want this all over so you can go home and crash on the couch with a bag of chips.

I will make one prediction in this. No one is going to care what changes Kamala Harris makes as that guy she chose for vice president is an echo chamber of all the things Kamala Harris is repulsing people with.  I suppose she could tell the voters in North Carolina, "I'm reformed now. I don't drink horse sperm like Tim Walz, but that is good, as I'm the moderate sperm drinker while Tim is the radical sperm drinker, and Tim is the radical in he leaves babies die in garbage cans after being aborted, I instead leave them in the toilet to die."

Kamala Harris like Barack Obama had two 3rd world parents. Her idea of moderate is West Indian voodoo and Hindu cow worship. She has no idea what America is no more than Obama did. Whatever anti Kamala is, no one is going to care as people walked out on the second act of Barack Obama and the re run under Joe Biden has been the worst sequel in history.

Nuff Said
