Thursday, August 8, 2024

Jerusalem as the Jewish Human Shield


It's our Jewish nuke shake. He gets Americans who won't vote for me nuked,
and I nuke Muslims who are in Greater Tel Aviv

A Five Front War? Israel Opens Underground Nuclear
Shelter In Jerusalem For Country's Leadership - Shock
Revelation Shakes Relations With Egypt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter.

Dictator Joe Biden, now with nothing to lose, has gone Jake Sullivan woke in ONLY LAND BASED MISSILE DEFENSE to deal with Iran retaliating for the 3rd leader to be murdered on their soil. Anthony Blinken has Binden and Harris blinking in they do not want this war with Iran.

The reality is that Tel Aviv will either get America to war with Iran in the Mideast or Tel Aviv will bring he war into America, to force America to strike Iran.

- Lame Cherry

Bunkerstan  with Jerusalem as the Human Shield

The Blinken Doctrine is not going to deter Tel Aviv and it is showing cowardice to Tehran and Moscow to progress this now as Iran can absorb American strikes and Russia can deal with tit for tat in military naval losses to US losses.

The Tel Aviv FBI has opened it's nuclear bunker. The key word is NUCLEAR and the Jews are hiding in Jerusalem like the Germans did their bunkers by hospitals in World War II, in order to use Jerusalem as the Human Shield as they believe Islam will not strike their 3rd holiest site at Jerusalem.

The key word in this is NUCLEAR. That is repeated as that device which was in Cyprus a few times is not one which was continued to be tracked as a 9 11 event trigger response of carte blanche.

For the first time in decades, the Shin Bet has opened the underground "nuclear" shelter in Jerusalem known as the "Doomsday Bunker" which will house the country's top political leadership and officials of the Defense and Security complex, a sign that Israel is preparing for war large scale with unknown ramifications.

"The Shin Bet has completed preparations for the operation of the underground command and control shelter in Jerusalem, intended to house the state's political-security elite during a major war.

The shelter is equipped with all means of command and control, it is connected to "The Pit", the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv, and all other shelters, senior leaders can stay for a long time during a war and it is invulnerable,” reports the Israeli news website Walla.

Biden Harris and Shapiro are blinking in not wanting to get involved in this war with Iran, but Iran  is gearing up with full Russian response being flown into Iran. Iran comprehends that it will die if it continues to wait, and now is the best venture for the deployment of their nuclear weapons.

This will be large scale missile strikes, but the Iranians are learning. Soft targets are now a priority. I highlight in red about this expanded war front.

Senior Israeli officials are preparing for a multi-day offensive by Iran, Hezbollah and other Iran-backed groups in response to the killing of Hamas's top political figure, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran on Wednesday.

Officials believe the attacks will include hundreds of missiles, rockets and drones, attempting to overwhelm Israel's air defenses  over a period of at least three days .

US and Israeli officials said both Iran and Hezbollah are still working to finalize their military plans and get them approved at the political level.

An Iranian source told Al-Jazeera that the retaliation will be severe and painful. Iran can target Israeli citizens or senior officials abroad in addition to launching missiles at home.

The WSJ notes that Iran has told Arab diplomats it doesn't care if the response sparks a war with Israel , according to people familiar with the talks.

Iran like all enemies of the state of Tel Aviv, needs to cut off and kill the extension of Mosaad which placed a bomb in their VIP quarters that murdered the Hamas leader. That means the Mosaad and their agents across the world in finance, industry, government and think tanks who all rock the cradle of the world's political centers. If Iran would focus on eliminating that syndicate of influence, this would end the projections of power against Iran and Iran would only need face the Jewish nuclear arsenal which it could respond.

There is in the Iranian statement the Mosaad 9 11 cover needed to attack Jew York City by their proxies and have Iran blamed for this to force political America on the Obama Harris Shapiro Tel Aviv ticket to hit Iran, and then we have a real Russian response which Russia has ordered plans to move it's industrial centers to Siberia in phase 1 plans submitted by October 1st.

At this point the Kamala World War GOPliters are  hoping for profits and hegemony in nuclear war. Donald Trump in his Don Coin are going to use economic might to break BRICS which is a great deal less radioactive than the Kamala nuclear war which is being generated out of Tel Aviv.

Just remember the Jews were digging nuclear tunnels in New York City, only one was found. The Jews have their bunker in Jerusalem for their elite. There are bunkers in DC for the elite, but none for Americans as Americans are expendable

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