Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kilt by a Stampedin' Hog

Ah no, my cell phone was never in DC in Chinatown at an FBI location
and I did not visit an assassin's home or work place frequently.
I just happened to demonic stampede like in Jesus day, but at the Iowa State Fair

RFK Jr. Cancels Iowa State Fair Appearance Citing
Increased Security Concerns

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Reinstalling Another Troll, or RAT is apparently being more ingenious after the Grassy Knoll of Pennsylvania as we all await the Warren Report on ultra magik bullets, in the new methods of eliminating political competitors is going to the old ways of "a herd of stampeding hogs ran over RFK II in Iowa and with all of Boeing's problems, who would not believe that the Trump jet "malfunctioned" with all his loyal Secret Service on board.

They are not going to go quietly into the night these rulers who are now being challenged by a different kind of exchange like the Lincoln Greenbacks or Kennedy Silver Certificates.

What is apparent now is DJT and RFK are going to fix this thing as Trump told Christians, by taking control of the currency again in a Don coin exchange.

Big Mammy this past week in Rasmussen polling flat lined. Her Karl Rove momentum is over. Donald Trump in rigged polling to favor Harris jumped 4 points. The drag of Walz will show declines this coming week which is what Obama Inc. designed.

Nuff Said
