Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Of Wars and Rumors of Wars


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It will perhaps help for you to believe me when others are saying the same things. I have told you that there is a reality where Kiev and Tel Aviv have two wars going before the elections and in this, Mr. Trump will be termed a felon to cheat him out of the win. There is a reality that after the November election, that Kabala Harris as image Obama called her at the cock size speech at the DNC, will have 2 1/2 months to cement power to not leave office.

It will be legal and technical but I have told you that we will probably have two Presidents, one in jail in corrupt New York and one in the District of Crooks.

There is a reality that the FBI and whoever will back Harris tyranny, and will fan out and crack down on everyone. Abraham Lincoln sent out the US Marshals to seize all communications and seize them for his government.  The entire mechanics which Donald Trump gave up on Jan6, is the thing that the Kabala has the reins of to continue to reign.

That means you must start thinking about your preparations. That does not mean you go out with guns and violence.  That means you get what matters in food, water in containers, some fuel and the ability to not have to go anywhere for a few months.

This group has wars, has pandemics, has whatever else shit lined up in voter intimidation, and each of you is going to have to be aware of your zip code. Some might say, New York will be bad...................Upstate New York or West Central Minnesota will be safer for you than some of these woke clap traps in Nebraska or Texas.

I do not know and have not inquired. I only know the Valley of the Shadow for me personally was referenced, so I'm not pleased but I will be delivered. You though have to start being aware of being an adult and not an emotional pile of spew getting yourself killed or others.

We simply do not know if a Butler II will appear. We do not know if RFK will without protection join the list of Kennedys as there will be events to pile on and give DC Piper reasons to criminalize you and record you and come after you.

Martin Armstrong says, “We are in a period of great uncertainty. . .. When people are uncertain, they don’t spend.  They save.  That’s what happens in a depression and a recession..."

"So, if you have no confidence in the future because of all this crazy stuff going on, what do you do?  You don’t borrow, and you pull back and say let me see what is going to happen.”

Armstrong says another big lie told to the public is the approval rating of Kamala Harris. 

The so-called polls say Harris is running neck and neck with Donald Trump in the presidential race.  Don’t believe it.  Armstrong says a recent data dive on his Socrates computer program shows:

“Kamala’s approval rating came in around 10.5 %.  

(A second confidential source says Kamala’s approval rating is 8.5%.)  Confidence in government is 7%.  So, how can Kamala possibly be 40%, 50% and 60%?  It’s illogical...

None of this is to fear. It is to be aware of. I told you that Big Mammy's polling would drop 10 points. It has. Now we have the venue of Coup II on Biden as Harris will have to be installed as President to have a snowball's chance in this.

This is all to sow distrust in the system.

Being aware, you do not fear. If you live in  a nut enclave, then you are going to have to deal with months of problems and whoever wins if it is Trance, this time is going to have to call out troops and crack down. Texas as South Dakota as Florida will lower the hammer and restore order, but a Minnesota where they enjoy the liberal burning of tires will burn until a federal gains control, that would be Trance. Other than that, a Kabala will burn baby burn to cause fear and keep people pinned down. It will depend on the location where local vigilantes spring up to save their homes. Some will be shot, others will be celebrated.

The point is to look at your stores of supplies. Look at your security. If you have decent neighbors, maybe show them some Armstrong article and just mention that as homeowners, maybe you should work out something to secure you block if something happens. Security does not mean guns, but it might mean some old vehicles blocking streets to slow down things getting into your neighborhood.

Not advocating anything. Just remember if you live in a shit hole and you do end up at some relatives before this which is safe, you might have an open house when you return if things get ransacked, even with a security light on. So maybe priceless things get secured now, before you think you are going to drive away with them and the relatives help themselves to them.

No fear, just being aware and thinking about things that should be dealt with, so they do not have to be dealt with later when they can not be dealt with.

Nuff Said
