Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Silence is Golden........Cover up

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to share a TMZ ideo, as it is pure propaganda in deception, as this video says the Secret Service Sniper is firing at Thomas Crooks. There is a problem in this, in this is the North Team. They can not see Thomas Crooks, because Crooks is in their blind spot, so they could not even be looking at Crooks, but they are looking at something in the scope.

I'm going to walk this through as John Cullen has  done fine work in discovering this sequence of shots and it will tie into everything the Lame Cherry is going to cover here. What I want you to note is the SPOTTER to the right. He is not up, nor looking for anyone. In the Cullen video it appears that the spotter has been shot at. These teams wear body armour, so when they get hit, it looks like someone kicks them in the chest, because we are dealing with several hundreds foot pounds of energy from that one bullet.

What I desire for you to study is the SS Sniper is on his rifle, looking through the scope. HE DOES NOT FIRE. He lifts his head up and then the rifle moves. Not because he is firing it with his head off the stock, but because he has just been shot in the chest. It appears that a second round hits him and knocks him back.

The spotter who is down and hiding is really getting reptile brain in flight at this time as you can watch him moving back as he is hearing the bullets hit their position and themselves.

I disagree with John Cullen that the shooter missed what they  were aiming at. No they hit everything they aimed at, from people in the crowd, to the derrick, to Donald Trump. It was never their intent to kill the SS Snipers, because they wanted them alive to shoot Thomas Crooks and tidy this all up.

Watch the video and it will explain what Director Cheatle was engaged in, in not saving any video or sound from this shooting as it has been stated, and why there was not any communication allowed between Pennsylvania law enforcement and the Secret Service on ground.

Meet you on the other side.

As you  can see the SS Sniper is hit twice and driven back and the spotter is at this point retreating from being fired at. Again Thomas Crooks can not see this duo and they can not see him. This means another shooter has opened up on these two at almost thee exact time that firing is at Trump's location.

Cullen provides an audio and literal answer to the round, it is the Pentagon, Remington Defense, NATO round of the 300 Blackout which is loaded to subsonic levels, and with a silencer is meant as an assassination weapon platform. Below you will find it in the platform which most likely appeared at Butler PA in the M4, with sight enhancement, silencer and a very compact rifle with a 16 inch barrel to keep the round subsonic so it does not make the CRACK of a bullet breaking the sound barrier.

Cullen states this weapon was firing fro the building window below Crooks position and the audio distance does match and a muzzle flash can be seen.

I would add one thing  to consider Cullen actually has a bullet seen flying at Crooks. We now know a PA officer from the barn saw Crooks muzzle flashes and fires a round at Crooks. This is video recorded in Crooks response to ducking. I believe this is the round as it appears larger and I do not believe this round struck Crooks. The round which hit him in the head was from the South Barn Team, who I believe had some problems with their own subsonic shooter south of them on a roof. This shooter either withdrew and South Team then made the kill shot on Crooks which took so long to make in almost 10 seconds.

2 days agoThe local law enforcement official told The Post that the Butler County officer was preparing to take a second shot at Crooks when the Secret Service agent shot him.

300 Blackout in M4, with enhanced sights an silencer

The Lame Cherry purpose in this post is not to contend with John Mullen as he has done fine work. He is simply too intelligent and projects things which are later found to be from another focal point. What this is about is the Secret Service deliberately not having any communication with PA Swat and not keeping any records of their own teams. The reason is what John Cullen is finding in acoustics.

Run with this example. Yes we have the Crooks position having ear wig chatter which the Secret Service can not hear. Shift this now to the subsonic and hypersonic firing begins. That is all recorded then to analyze. When the North Team gets hits by fire, do you think they might at least exhale like being punched in the gut? Do you think they might start swearing or screaming they are under fire? It is a big problem if you have one lone Thomas Crooks firing at Donald Trump and the various SS Agents are picking up subsonics from the South Barn, picking up whizzing around Trump, picking up a bullet hitting a derrick, picking up people shot in the stands and at the same time ina lull in the shooting, the North Barn Team is getting shot. When you are managing a cover up in woke leadership, you can't do that with drones in the air and with the amplification of receivers around the Trump area..............and in open mic it is being recorded by PA Swat and everyone is hearing it, and you will never get that erased.

Cheatle: Service Has No Radio Recordings From PA Trump Rally

Kimberly Cheatle told lawmakers the Secret Service has no radio recordings from the day of the attempted assassination of Trump.

So that is why there was zero com between agencies and departments. They have had a disaster with these cell phones and the few media cameras by chance recording images and sounds which are doing the job Director Cheale was supposed to have done.

I still have questions in this but TL might have solved one which has just puzzled me and it is in the Cullen video in the bleachers to Trump's left. When the bullet or bullets there which cannot have come from Crooks direction as it is behind them to the southwest, strike, there is a person in a black hoodie who just takes off like a raped ape. They are the only person who moves and they are moving like they are being shot at, which they are. 

What TL theorized is, that like Jan6, this was some regime asset, most likely military background and they probably knew something might happen that day in Butler. So they are standing there and a bullet rips by them, grazes them or others, and they see the man in white crumple. Another bullet hits the derrick hydraulic hose and it sprays, make noise as two people begin looking southwest, but this black hoodie person looks like they are shot out of a cannon.What the theory is, this was all something to stand in the back corner bleacher and see the entertainment, but it is another thing when you become the entertainment in realizes that you are being shot at and not Donald Trump. Yes we know there were embeds in this crowd just like on Jan6 and this person appears to have figured out in a reptile brain split second that maybe they are expendable as a window dressing for the Trump main event as they are paid and known assets who might have heard something and are to be silenced.

The runner looks like they concluded that this operation was to target people in the stands too and this person is not going to be one of the stats. The bullet misses this person like most of these people in grazing distance.

That is what the focus is here in why no recordings as all of this other evidence mounts to multiple shooters, assets in the crowd and SS Snipers taking hits, not from Thomas Crooks as they could not see each other.

Nuff Said
