Saturday, August 3, 2024

Some Kind of Ending

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense features a current cast of guests who run the gambit of Mitchell Henderson who can not misquote Scripture fast enough sounding like the NOAH weather bot warning of storms, Dr. Leonard Caldwell who rambles on about Jesus does not exist, to the author of the quotes below, one Damien Dumar who has assembled numbers which he says  the Trinity is satan and Jesus is satan's child or something like that.

I'm posting this as a warning for you of the Great Deception. I will take apart one phrase in this which I will quote in bold italics, to prove that one lie means this is all a lie.

Jesus was sacrificed to his father (Saturn or Satan) as symbolized in the role of Saturn as the Son devourer. El represents Saturn, or Satan, and is the god of the bible, both old and new. Like the enslaved sheeple, he reincarnates as well in a new guise. And how does this “holy” Jesus return to rule the New Jerusalem after Armageddon and all Hell breaks loose on Earth when armies attack Israel (code name: Isis & Amen-Ra under El). Amen is the name of Satan, added as a surname to Ra, the Son of Saturn.

The description of this heavenly New Jerusalem beloved by Jesus (as a son of Saturn. His name in the bible is EmmanuEL. Saturn is with us.) includes three doors on this four sided cube of enormous size. Since these doors are cubes themselves, note the dimensions and why there are only three doors and not four: because a cube or doorway of a cube within a cube has 6 sides. And added together, like the cube of Saturn itself, you arrive at the number of Anti-Christ in the three doors: 666.

One has to read The Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John to understand the following quote:

And how does this “holy” Jesus return to rule the New Jerusalem after Armageddon and all Hell breaks loose on Earth when armies attack Israel

 First, Jesus does return, at the time of the Last Trumpet. There is a time line or High Day time line in this. Jesus fulfilled Passover and First Fruits, which in Christianity are known as Easter and Pentecost. He has High Days yet to fulfill, and this does not happen until His second coming. These 3 days in the HEBREW calendar are all in the autumn.
The first is Atonement or Yom Kippur. You will knows this as the Battle of Armageddon.
The second is Boothes, Feasts, Trumpets or Ingathering. You know this as Thanksgiving. That is when the Faithful are all caught up to Christ.

The third is Temple Dedication, which is Hanukkah in December, when Christ cleanses the Temple which has been made desolate.

Now for the exposure of the lies. Jesus DOES NOT return to rule the New Jerusalem. Jesus is already on earth,, ruling from Jerusalem which has undergone changes in a spring flows from the Mount and brings life to the Dead Sea. That new river is lined with Trees of Life. The waters bring forth an abundance of fish.

Now remember the High Days. Armageddon occurs right after Jesus returns, in Atonement is in October every year. All hell does not break loose when armies attack Israel. No one is attacking Israel. Instead the global armies are assembled after the rivers in the Mideast are dried up, and the armies from Asia appear, at a historic battle plain, north of Jerusalem, which is guarded by the Hill of Megiddo or Har Megiddo, which you know as Armageddon.

This is the fight against Christ's return and the world is slaughtered in this rebellion.

Once this takes place, Jesus sorts this out and the Faithful rule with Him for 1000 Years as this is the 1000 Year Sabbath as people have had a week or 6000 years to be proven how they need God. This 1000 Year Sabbath is made so, because the Archangel Michael chains and imprisons the demon satan in the bottomless pit for 1000 years.

Now after this 1000 years are completed. satan is released, and it goes out to deceive those who are not saved on earth, who are called Gog and Magog, you will know that from Ezekiel the Prophet in chapters 38 and 39. That massive group is then brought forward to attack the unwalled cities or what is the Holy Land and God states He will destroy them on the mountains. It is only after this that the world Newtonian Laws are removed, and that includes time because then this huge New Jerusalem descends to the New Earth. As a physicist once explained, "The entire physics change as there is not any way a 200 mile cube is going to float down."

So as you have read with proof, the above mind who made that statement has thee entire timeline and future recording wrong as much as the lie that Jesus is satan's child.

The reason I began this is not to refute the brilliantly constructed nonsense above, but because in this nattering there was this recording below which is quoted of when this all begins according to numerology.

I'm going to share something which only TL knew. I worked, meaning inquired, the date of Jesus return over two decades ago. and the date I was given was September 20th. Obviously Jesus did not return then and God had His own reasons for jerking me around again, as that is my service as a Christian. There is a difference between what God says to me and what I inquire for information in the jumble of the matrix.

So when this jasper using numerology which has it's place stated 9 20 25, that caught my attention as I know that Hebrew New Year always starts around then in September.  I looked up the date and in 2025 it is the 22nd when the New Year begins.

I'm not stating that this is the end of the world or the beginning of the end of the world, but telling you to not be deceived as there will have to be a date. What I'm pointing out is there is a 7 year period. A Temple is dedicated in the 3 1/2 year period, and it is the last abomination which sets off the worst of the events which are called the plagues in the Bible in the Cup of Wrath. The worst of it happens in the final 6 month period, it seems to indicate. Armageddon happens in October of some year and is one of the concluding events.

 I would state that by the way things have been degenerating, that we have reached the beginning of the final cull a number of years before. It is just coming to a climax if this is the time.

Meet you on the other side.

The Final Harvesting of Humanity Begins: 09-20-2025

If you still have your doubts about this, look up the day of the week that Doomsday falls upon in September 20, 2025. As you might suspect, yes, it falls on a Saturday, Saturn’s Day. 

Rosh Hashana 2025 - The Jewish New Year - Hebcal

Rosh Hashana for Hebrew Year 5786 begins at sundown on Monday, 22 September 2025 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, 24 September 2025 . ... Rosh Hashanah

Just be aware that as things load up more, you are going to hear a bunch of deceptions which will sound reasonable to you, because you have not studied up on Scripture nor do you have the Holy Ghost guiding you to test all things. This is allowed by God as He always has, to cull out the people who will be swayed as they are not Spiritually grounded. It is more difficult now for all of us, as we have hosts of demons, allot of demoniacs as humans, and the information is too much to deal with and the stress is horrible. You never stop to think that if your Grandparents appeared today and had to deal with what we deal with in Spirit, they would either go nuts or kill themselves.  This is not the laid back world of gathering eggs from your hen flock, closing up the grocery selling 10 cent pop as you did not do business on Sunday and people sat by the pond and looked at the stars after seeing the show at the theater as people could be trusted and people were moral.

I will close this out in Emmanuel does not mean son of saturn. The Hebrew word means El, God with us, no satan or planet involved.

Nuff Said
