Friday, August 2, 2024

The best of two Lights


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking up some information to see if anything was out there concerning something which I had experienced and came across James van Praagh's definitions of what a psychic and a medium were. I had always concluded that a medium was someone who channeled a demon or dead people, not someone who by the below definitions does the same things which I have experienced for years.

I found another guy who was stating that ghosts are just psychic imprints of an emotional event which play over and over again. I would call ghosts, people who have not crossed over to Heaven or been dragged away to hell and are hiding out here.

It does give me things to ponder as I do like pondering things which no one has real answers for to find the real answers,something all of you should not be involved in as you would probable get deceived and get yourself into great harm.

In the below, I can achieve a number of these experiences.  Some call it remote viewing. For me I do something different in flash reading which is different all together. For me when I'm linked up, it is a different emotional experience in it is always fluid and of substance. We live as God does in a fluid universe and dimension. All things are a form of liquid in motion. 

When you have connection though with positives,  it is a remarkable experience as I have had, in I can read people in their present Spirit as much I can read them from when they were here in their body's. 

I'm not a medium though, I do not channel demons, those avenue are locked as I open myself to the Holy Ghost. That shield is the barrier to even those times I come across people who are evil. Most people, even family, I have no intention of taking on their vibration as it disturbs me until it is removed.

TL tells me that some viewers have been looking for me and found TL instead.  People engage in things they really are inexperienced at.

I have been pondering something which is typical of me, in echoes and shadows of others in inferior signatures. Pondering the unbeforetime. Pondering Geistlicht,  knowing me before and in different time lines, and still making contact because of our connection, in guidance and the knowing of returning to where one should be. People never consider that they knew people before the souls were born and when we all return to Heaven or the after life, that we are going to meet kindreds  and remember them then, and all of us have been communicating in voices unheard all along as the love never unconnects.

Yes it is all past what we know or has been revealed, but it has nothing to do with Salvation and of course satan in part of the deception attempts to link to the nonsense of past lives, reincarnation or whatever else is not the Truth.

Clairsentience (clear feeling): Able to perceive information by way of emphatic feelings and emotions from spirit

Clairvoyant (clear vision): Able to see with the mind’s eye objects, colors, symbols, people, spirits, or scenes (these pictures are not visible to the naked eye and usually flash into the medium’s mind)

Clairaudient (clear hearing): Able to perceive sounds or words from sources broadcasting from a spiritual realm

Clairempathy (clear emotion): Able to sense or "feel" within oneself the attitude or emotions of another person

Clairgustance (clear tasting): Able to discern the essence of a substance through taste from spirit

Clairscent (clear smelling): Able to smell a fragrance or odor coming from the spirit

Clairtangency (clear touching): Able to perceive information about an article or its owner or history by holding an object or by touching someone or something (this ability is commonly known as psychometry)

Spirits do sleep though and rest. Take energy to maintain the links. God rests after Creation so His creations rest too and they need rest after a dynamo like me is generating like I do.

This though is me just nattering on about things which do not make allot of sense. I'm just a licht on my way back to source and having a reality to return to where I will finally be complete in being uncomplete since my coming.

It will all make sense once you are back where you belong. I'm just pondering things how to touch there to have the best of two lights.

Nuff Said
