Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Black Apple

Putin Asks Iran To Postpone Israel Strike
(Many Disappointed) - Offers To ‘Mediate'

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What this blog has warned of in projections for the past year is now being openly stated in Tel Aviv. Either the District of Crooks fights another kosher war as they did against bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, the war is coming to America.

Ex Israeli PM Threatens US Will Get A Rerun Of 9-11
If It Doesn't Fight Israel's Wars - An Obvious Admission
Israel Was Behind 9/11 - Remember ‘Dancing Israelis'

For years we all were told that the Pentagon had about 3 days of targets in Iran, now suddenly Iran is a nation which is something America can make war against. In projecting this, the reality is, there is only one killer reality like in Gaza which Tel Aviv desires and that is nuclear detonations aimed at the civilian mass population to genocide Iran.

The adage is that a fist begets a fist, a slap a slap, a nuclear bomb a nuclear bomb.

In that reality, that is what awaits the District of Crooks.

 Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Bennett wrote Tuesday on Twitter:

Iran is RIGHT NOW trying to kill US officials on American soil.
Let that sink in.

The only way to stop this Iranian Octopus of terror is to cut its head off. Collapse this terrible regime, just like former USSR.

First it is Mosaad which is stating Iran was behind the Trump assassination attempt. There is ZERO evidence of this. What took place in Butler was linked to China in one of the shooters, to Chinatown in DC by the FBI offices and by the security state leaving open venues to attack, it was an inside coordinated operation.

What will stop the Iranians, appears to be Vladimir Putin, who knows that Russia is winning, that Tel Aviv is lost, that perhaps if Mr. Trump survives a settlement will occur which is not Ashkenaz hegemony. The age of Greater Tel Aviv and Kiev has passed. The age of another future is about to be an advent. Putin is trying  to run out the clock. Putin is asking Iran to run out the clock in debt and what is the promise of a Tel Aviv nuclear operation in America will so cripple America that America will be off the table for a number years as a new order in BRICS and Europe arises.

This is the reality. The same chit which had Homeland interviewing me at the beginning of the Trump rise to power is now on the table with those devices which were taken out of America. I don't now jack or shit about this, as this is not my concern and I will not inquire as I don't need Homeland out here having cats crawl up their legs in wanting to be petted.

This blog has stated that America is either going to fight this for the Jews over there, or Tel Aviv is goig to goad America by force to fighting this for Tel Aviv. It is now spoken in public what has been said behind the wailing wall. Joe Biden quit support for Tel Aviv. Kamala Harris is zero support. We are now at this venue where this is going to have to be started before the end of October.

Nuff Said.
