Friday, August 16, 2024

The Culling Time


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

However long it takes for God to accomplish His culling of the few which have, because they stole it from the many who have not, is God's time line and not mine, but God is the One Who will take notice of who has and who does not have.

It is not  that hard as you drive around and see who has the nice cars, who lives in the nice mansions, who the preachers and bankers all smile at, while they scowl at you. Nothing is hidden from God and His first two summations and only summations of the Law are not to steal from God and not to leave people to be preyed upon.

Rich people always like to brag about how rich they are but all they did was figure out a way to steal 10 dollars from a million people. Some figure out how to steal a dollar from 100 million people. That is how they got their fortunes. Rich people do not have enough money to steal from each other, so they steal from the poor people, whether it is a dollar a day Chinese girls to 50,000 dollar a year Mexican slave labor in America, they find a way to get a Mexican invader to buy a used car, a nice bling, a cell phone, stick him in housing an that 50,000 goes back to the hedgefunders.

God is not going to allow people who are put upon, to languish forever in shit eating poverty. I do not want to sound like heathens in Asia or the United States are going to be championed, as in the coming period they get to be maggot fodder too like the rich, but the reality is, God will for His Protestant Christians see how thin they are in need, and these fat spiritual bastards are the ones going to be rendered into tallow.

Ezekiel 34:20-21 “‘Therefore, GOD, the Master, says: I myself am stepping in and making things right between the plump sheep and the skinny sheep. Because you forced your way with shoulder and rump and butted at all t Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle. Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the di Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD to them, “Behold, I, even I, will judge between the f

“‘Therefore, GOD, the Master, ... and rump and butted at all t Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between

That is people on people Judgement. Regrettably most of you have no idea what animals are, and do not take notice what kind of shits most people are, but they all act the same. In cattle, pigs, there is always some son of a bitch who stands at the water tank being a bully, not letting others to drink. Always some bastard who bunts or runs off another animal just to get at the same feed which they have. Chickens gang up and peck others to death, eating them. Goats will rape each other to death. They all exhibit the same shit that people carry on about. Always some bully in brawn, brain or is hiding behind the police state to exploit someone and steal what they have. It is animals, in they never carry a slice of hay to another animal to feed them. People are supposed to have empathy and compassion, but the people with money do not have any of that and always think hiring it done in charity is their being good to others.

In the above, the Americans east of the Jordan were already the exiles of the Assyrian empire, who Ezekiel was caught up to by God to be a witness. That remnant had 90% dead when that regime conquered them. God is a thorough God when He sorts out people who spent a lifetime serving themselves fattening themselves.

I happened to bump into the prick neighbor who chewed my ass two winters ago and told me to get a tractor or sell my cattle if I couldn't feed them. Asshole was sitting at the gas pump with a Chevy Corvette. Gee 50,000 dollars for a 67 year old asshole to drive around and pretend he is Mr. Sexy boy with his fat rich wife. The wife gave us moldy peppers for our wedding gift.

Whether God likes it or not, I told JYG that when we get that Corvette, we are going to pick him up, take it to the interstate and take turns seeing who can blow that engine. Yeah God tells me about spoils and He is taking way too long in my book, but this prick is one of those democrats who acts kosher, but is a self serving asshole like the rest of you self serving assholes. Jesus said where your treasure is, that is where your heart is. Just look around and break your delusions in how wonderful you are, as the  piles of bling you have is what you invested in, instead of ministering to stupid poor people who would have benefited, instead of leaving Tiny Tim to die on his crutches.

You ain't going to get the message now and you will receive the Judgment in what is coming. Those are the facts as you will never pry your hands off that money and only give ratty ass shit away to people and expect them to owe you their souls forever.

Clock is ticking down. You may not hit Wormwood, but the worms will be eating you as everyone dies and your day is coming. No escaping the Cull or the Judgment which follows.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
